RsSmbv API Structure
Global RepCaps
driver = RsSmbv('TCPIP::')
# HwInstance range: InstA .. InstH
rc = driver.repcap_hwInstance_get()
- class RsSmbv(resource_name: str, id_query: bool = True, reset: bool = False, options: Optional[str] = None, direct_session: Optional[object] = None)[source]
9671 total commands, 27 Subgroups, 0 group commands
Initializes new RsSmbv session.
- Parameter options tokens examples:
- starts the session in simulation mode. Default:False
- uses no VISA implementation for socket connections - you do not need any VISA-C installationSelectVisa=rs
- forces usage of RohdeSchwarz VisaSelectVisa=ivi
- forces usage of National Instruments VisaQueryInstrumentStatus = False
- same asdriver.utilities.instrument_status_checking = False
. Default:True
WriteDelay = 20, ReadDelay = 5
- Introduces delay of 20ms before each write and 5ms before each read. Default:0ms
for bothOpcWaitMode = OpcQuery
- mode for all the opc-synchronised write/reads. Other modes: StbPolling, StbPollingSlow, StbPollingSuperSlow. Default:StbPolling
AddTermCharToWriteBinBLock = True
- Adds one additional LF to the end of the binary data (some instruments require that). Default:False
AssureWriteWithTermChar = True
- Makes sure each command/query is terminated with termination character. Default: Interface dependentTerminationCharacter = "\r"
- Sets the termination character for reading. Default:\n
(LineFeed or LF)DataChunkSize = 10E3
- Maximum size of one write/read segment. If transferred data is bigger, it is split to more segments. Default:1E6
bytesOpcTimeout = 10000
- same as driver.utilities.opc_timeout = 10000. Default:30000ms
VisaTimeout = 5000
- same as driver.utilities.visa_timeout = 5000. Default:10000ms
ViClearExeMode = Disabled
- viClear() execution mode. Default:execute_on_all
OpcQueryAfterWrite = True
- same as driver.utilities.opc_query_after_write = True. Default:False
StbInErrorCheck = False
- if true, the driver checks errors with *STB? If false, it uses SYST:ERR?. Default:True
ScpiQuotes = double'. - for SCPI commands, you can define how strings are quoted. With single or double quotes. Possible values: single | double | {char}. Default: ``single
LoggingMode = On
- Sets the logging status right from the start. Default:Off
LoggingName = 'MyDevice'
- Sets the name to represent the session in the log entries. Default:'resource_name'
LogToGlobalTarget = True
- Sets the logging target to the class-property previously set with RsSmbv.set_global_logging_target() Default:False
LoggingToConsole = True
- Immediately starts logging to the console. Default: FalseLoggingToUdp = True
- Immediately starts logging to the UDP port. Default: FalseLoggingUdpPort = 49200
- UDP port to log to. Default: 49200
- Parameters
resource_name – VISA resource name, e.g. ‘TCPIP::’
id_query – if True, the instrument’s model name is verified against the models supported by the driver and eventually throws an exception.
reset – Resets the instrument (sends *RST command) and clears its status sybsystem.
options – string tokens alternating the driver settings.
direct_session – Another driver object or pyVisa object to reuse the session instead of opening a new session.
- static assert_minimum_version(min_version: str) None [source]
Asserts that the driver version fulfills the minimum required version you have entered. This way you make sure your installed driver is of the entered version or newer.
- classmethod clear_global_logging_relative_timestamp() None [source]
Clears the global relative timestamp. After this, all the instances using the global relative timestamp continue logging with the absolute timestamps.
- close() None [source]
Closes the active RsSmbv session.
- classmethod from_existing_session(session: object, options: Optional[str] = None) RsSmbv [source]
Creates a new RsSmbv object with the entered ‘session’ reused.
- Parameters
session – can be another driver or a direct pyvisa session.
options – string tokens alternating the driver settings.
- classmethod get_global_logging_relative_timestamp() datetime.datetime [source]
Returns global common relative timestamp for log entries.
- classmethod get_global_logging_target()[source]
Returns global common target stream.
- get_session_handle() object [source]
Returns the underlying session handle.
- get_total_execution_time() datetime.timedelta [source]
Returns total time spent by the library on communicating with the instrument. This time is always shorter than get_total_time(), since it does not include gaps between the communication. You can reset this counter with reset_time_statistics().
- get_total_time() datetime.timedelta [source]
Returns total time spent by the library on communicating with the instrument. This time is always shorter than get_total_time(), since it does not include gaps between the communication. You can reset this counter with reset_time_statistics().
- static list_resources(expression: str = '?*::INSTR', visa_select: Optional[str] = None) List[str] [source]
- Finds all the resources defined by the expression
‘?*’ - matches all the available instruments
‘USB::?*’ - matches all the USB instruments
‘TCPIP::192?*’ - matches all the LAN instruments with the IP address starting with 192
- reset_time_statistics() None [source]
Resets all execution and total time counters. Affects the results of get_total_time() and get_total_execution_time()
- restore_all_repcaps_to_default() None [source]
Sets all the Group and Global repcaps to their initial values
- classmethod set_global_logging_relative_timestamp(timestamp: datetime.datetime) None [source]
Sets global common relative timestamp for log entries. To use it, call the following: io.utilities.logger.set_relative_timestamp_global()
- classmethod set_global_logging_relative_timestamp_now() None [source]
Sets global common relative timestamp for log entries to this moment. To use it, call the following: io.utilities.logger.set_relative_timestamp_global().
- classmethod set_global_logging_target(target) None [source]
Sets global common target stream that each instance can use. To use it, call the following: io.utilities.logger.set_logging_target_global(). If an instance uses global logging target, it automatically uses the global relative timestamp (if set). You can set the target to None to invalidate it.
- Bert
- Bler
- Calibration
- Clock
- Connector
- Device
- Diagnostic
- Display
- FormatPy
- Fpanel
- HardCopy
- Initiate<Channel>
- Kboard
- MassMemory
- Memory
- Output
- Read<Channel>
- Sconfiguration
- Sense<Channel>
- Slist
- Source
- Adf
- Am<GeneratorIx>
- AreGenerator
- Awgn
- Bb
- Arbitrary
- Btooth
- Ccrc
- Clipping
- Clock
- Cs
- DtTest
- Econfig
- Econfiguration
- Actable
- DcTable
- LtKey
- Pconfiguration
- Aaddress
- Acad
- AcAssigned
- Acid
- Adid
- Alap
- Anuap
- Asid
- Cid
- CiValue
- Data
- DcmTable
- Ecode
- Ediversifier
- Eheader
- EhFlags
- Fsbit<IndexNull>
- IcAssigned
- Icid
- Id
- Ilap
- Inuap
- MiVector
- Mskd
- Mtsphy
- Offset<OffsetNull>
- Phy
- Phys
- RopCode
- Rphys
- Rvector
- ScAssigned
- Scid
- Sid
- SiVector
- Slap
- Snuap
- Sskd
- StmPhy
- SvNumber
- Tlap
- Tnuap
- Tphys
- UserPatt
- Utype
- Vnumber
- FilterPy
- Hdr
- Hr
- Mhdt
- Msettings
- Pconfiguration
- PhymacCfg
- Pramping
- Qhs
- Setting
- SymbolRate
- Trigger
- Unit
- Waveform
- C2K
- Coder
- Dab
- Dme
- Eutra
- Bbfs
- Clipping
- Clock
- Downlink
- FilterPy
- LogGen
- Notch<NotchFilter>
- Powc
- Setting
- SymbolRate
- Tcw
- Tdd
- Tdw
- Timc
- Trigger
- Udt
- Uplane
- Uplink
- Waveform
- Evdo
- Gbas
- Clipping
- Clock
- FilterPy
- Mset
- Setting
- Trigger
- Vdb<VdbTransmitter>
- Append
- Data
- Dlength
- Fnumber
- Gid
- Insert
- Mconfig
- Adb1
- Adb3
- Adb4
- Aid
- ApDesignator
- AtcHeight
- AtuSelector
- CwaThreshold
- DfLocation
- Dg
- DlOffset
- Fdb<FdbTransmitter>
- FdBlock
- FdsState
- Flaa
- FrcLink
- Fvaa
- Gcid
- GpAngle
- GsaDesignator
- GsrReceivers
- KcGlonass
- KcGps
- KdGlonass
- KdGps
- KpGlonass
- KpGps
- LfLocation
- LmVariation
- Location
- Mt2State
- Mt4State
- MuDistance
- NfdBlocks
- NopPoint
- Pservice
- RfIndex
- Rletter
- Rnumber
- Rpdf
- Rpdt
- Rpif
- Rpit
- RsdSelector
- RuIndicator
- Runcertainty
- SgDefinition
- Sheight
- Svid
- SviGradient
- TdsState
- Tlas
- Tvas
- Waypoint
- Rid
- Sch
- Sgid
- Ssid
- State
- Waveform
- Gnpr
- Gnss
- AdGeneration
- Apattern
- Atmospheric
- Awgn
- Body
- Clock
- Galileo
- L1Band
- L2Band
- L5Band
- Logging
- Monitor<MonitorPane>
- Obscuration
- Ostreams
- Perrors
- Power
- Receiver
- Rt
- Setting
- Simulation
- Stream<Stream>
- Sv
- Svid<SatelliteSvid>
- System
- Time
- Trigger
- Vehicle
- Graphics
- Gsm
- Huwb
- Ils
- Impairment
- Info
- Lora
- Mccw
- Nfc
- Cblock<CommandBlock>
- Achk
- Adata
- AdCoding
- Afi
- Aid
- Alength
- AnSelection
- ApfSupported
- ApGeneric
- Append
- Atimeout
- Aupdate
- BccError
- Bchk
- Bfsdd
- BlkSelection
- Block<FmBlock>
- Bno
- BpGeneric
- Btype
- Bupdate
- BytSelection
- CfgType
- Chaining
- Ctype
- Data
- Deqd
- Dfollowing
- Did
- Dlp2
- Dlp4
- Dlp8
- DltPoll
- Dpl2
- Dpl4
- Dpl8
- DptListen
- Dri
- Dsi
- Dsupported
- Duration
- DwSelection
- Echk
- EsSupported
- Eupd
- FpGeneric
- Fsc
- Fwi
- GbSelection
- GdAvailable
- IbNumber
- Insert
- Kparameter
- Lreduction
- Mbli
- MiChaining
- MtR0
- MtR1
- MtR2
- N2Ftype
- Nack
- Nad
- Nblocks
- Nfollowing
- Nid0
- Nid1
- Nid2
- NnComplete
- NoApplications
- NoSlots
- Nservices
- Nsize
- Nsupported
- Pad0
- Pad1
- Pad2
- Paste
- PduType
- Plin
- Plir
- Pni
- Poffset
- Pselection
- Rc
- Repetition
- Rtox
- Samples
- Scmd
- Scode
- SegSelection
- SenRequired
- Service<ServiceListTable>
- Sf1
- Sf2
- Sfgi
- Sno
- Snumber
- SpLower
- SpUpper
- SsnRequired
- Stime
- T1Tconfigured
- T1Tk
- Taipicc
- Tsn
- Wt
- Wtxm
- Clipping
- Clock
- Mset
- Pred
- Sconfiguration
- Setting
- Trigger
- UaiSetting
- Waveform
- Cblock<CommandBlock>
- Nr5G
- Ofdm
- Path
- Power
- Pramp
- Progress
- Tdscdma
- Trigger
- Vor
- W3Gpp
- Bstation<BaseStation>
- Clipping
- Clock
- Copy
- Crate
- FilterPy
- Gpp3
- Mstation<MobileStation>
- Power
- Pparameter
- Setting
- Trigger
- Waveform
- Wlnn
- Antenna
- Clipping
- Clock
- Fblock<FrameBlock>
- Append
- Bchg
- BcSmoothing
- Bdcm
- Beul
- BfConfiguration
- Bmcs
- Boost
- BssColor
- Bwind
- CbiNonht
- Cch1
- Cch2
- Cenru<Index>
- Color
- Curpe
- Data
- Dbinonht
- Doppler
- Emcs
- EsDiffer
- EsStream
- Fcount
- Guard
- Insert
- Itime
- Link
- LogFile
- Logging
- Mac
- MaxPe
- Mu<UserIx>
- MuMimo
- NonOfdmaUser
- Ntps
- Paid
- Paste
- Ped
- Pformat
- PfpFactor
- PiType
- Plcp
- Pmode
- Pofdma
- Ppuncturing
- Preamble
- Prtype
- Psdu
- Right106Tone
- Segment
- Smapping
- Smoothing
- SpareUse<Index>
- Sstream
- Standard
- State
- Stbc
- StStream
- SymDuration
- TdWindowing
- Tmode
- Ttime
- TxopDuration
- TypePy
- Uindex
- Uindication
- Ulen
- User<UserIx>
- FilterPy
- Setting
- SymbolRate
- Trigger
- Waveform
- Bbin
- Combined
- Correction
- Dme
- Efrontend
- Fm<GeneratorIx>
- FreqSweep
- Frequency
- Ils
- InputPy
- Iq
- LffSweep
- LfOutput<LfOutput>
- ListPy
- Mbeacon
- Modulation
- Noise
- Occupy
- Path
- Pgenerator
- Phase
- Pm<GeneratorIx>
- Power
- Psweep
- Pulm
- Roscillator
- Sweep
- ValRf
- Vor
- Status
- Sweep
- System
- Beeper
- Bios
- Communicate
- Date
- Device
- DeviceFootprint
- Dexchange
- Error
- ExtDevices
- Files
- FpFpga
- Fpreset
- Generic
- Help
- Identification
- Information
- Issd
- Linux
- Lock
- MassMemory
- Ntp
- Option
- Package
- PciFpga
- Profiling
- Protect<Level>
- Reboot
- Restart
- Scrpt
- Security
- Shutdown
- Specification
- SrData
- Srexec
- Srtime
- Startup
- Time
- Ulock
- Undo
- Test
- Trigger<InputIx>
- Unit