
SCPI Commands :

class UciCls[source]

Uci commands group definition. 5 total commands, 3 Subgroups, 2 group commands

get_bits() RsSmbv.enums.UciBits[source]
value: enums.UciBits = driver.source.bb.nr5G.tcw.ws.uci.get_bits()

Set the number of UCI bits used. Defines the size of the uplink control information bits carried in the PUCCH channel. They consist of the HARQ feedback, CSI and SR.


uci_bits: B_7| B_40

get_csi_part() RsSmbv.enums.CsiPart[source]
value: enums.CsiPart = driver.source.bb.nr5G.tcw.ws.uci.get_csi_part()

Defines the CSI part selected for the test case. The PUCCH-based CSI and the PUSCH-based CSI reporting, always padding the CSI report to the worst-case UCI payload size would result in too large overhead. For these cases, the CSI content is instead divided into two CSI parts.


csi_part: CSIP_1| CSIP_2

set_bits(uci_bits: RsSmbv.enums.UciBits) None[source]
driver.source.bb.nr5G.tcw.ws.uci.set_bits(uci_bits = enums.UciBits.B_40)

Set the number of UCI bits used. Defines the size of the uplink control information bits carried in the PUCCH channel. They consist of the HARQ feedback, CSI and SR.

param uci_bits

B_7| B_40

set_csi_part(csi_part: RsSmbv.enums.CsiPart) None[source]
driver.source.bb.nr5G.tcw.ws.uci.set_csi_part(csi_part = enums.CsiPart.CSIP_1)

Defines the CSI part selected for the test case. The PUCCH-based CSI and the PUSCH-based CSI reporting, always padding the CSI report to the worst-case UCI payload size would result in too large overhead. For these cases, the CSI content is instead divided into two CSI parts.

param csi_part


Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.source.bb.nr5G.tcw.ws.uci.clone()
