
SCPI Commands :

class UbwpCls[source]

Ubwp commands group definition. 445 total commands, 2 Subgroups, 3 group commands

get_nuser() int[source]
value: int = driver.source.bb.nr5G.ubwp.get_nuser()

Sets the number of simulated users.


num_users: integer Range: 1 to 50

get_sinterval() int[source]
value: int = driver.source.bb.nr5G.ubwp.get_sinterval()
Defines the number of slots after which the data source restarts (restart every <x> slots) .

INTRO_CMD_HELP: Prerequisites for this command

  • Single numerology setup

  • [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:NR5G:UBWP:RESTart = SLOT


slot_interval: integer Range: 1 to 20

get_soffset() int[source]
value: int = driver.source.bb.nr5G.ubwp.get_soffset()
Defines an offset in terms of slots for the restart of the data source.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: Prerequisites for this command

  • Single numerology setup

  • [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:NR5G:UBWP:RESTart = SLOT

  • [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:NR5G:UBWP:SINTerval > 1


slot_offset: integer Maximum offset = slot interval - 1 Range: 0 to 19

set_nuser(num_users: int) None[source]
driver.source.bb.nr5G.ubwp.set_nuser(num_users = 1)

Sets the number of simulated users.

param num_users

integer Range: 1 to 50

set_sinterval(slot_interval: int) None[source]
driver.source.bb.nr5G.ubwp.set_sinterval(slot_interval = 1)
Defines the number of slots after which the data source restarts (restart every <x> slots) .

INTRO_CMD_HELP: Prerequisites for this command

  • Single numerology setup

  • [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:NR5G:UBWP:RESTart = SLOT

param slot_interval

integer Range: 1 to 20

set_soffset(slot_offset: int) None[source]
driver.source.bb.nr5G.ubwp.set_soffset(slot_offset = 1)
Defines an offset in terms of slots for the restart of the data source.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: Prerequisites for this command

  • Single numerology setup

  • [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:NR5G:UBWP:RESTart = SLOT

  • [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:NR5G:UBWP:SINTerval > 1

param slot_offset

integer Maximum offset = slot interval - 1 Range: 0 to 19

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.source.bb.nr5G.ubwp.clone()
