
SCPI Command :

class DelayCls[source]

Delay commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get(iqConnector=IqConnector.Default) float[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce]:BB:IMPairment:IQOutput<CH>:DELay
value: float = = repcap.IqConnector.Default)

Defines the time delay of both I and Q vectors between the marker signal at the marker outputs relative to the signal generation start. A positive value means that the I and Q vectors delay relative to the marker/trigger and vice versa. Value range

Table Header: Output / Min /s / Max /s / Increment

  • RF<ch> / 0 / 10E-6 / 1E-12

  • IQOutput<ch> / 500E-9 / 500E-9 / 1E-12

  • DIGital / 500E-9 / 500E-9 / 1E-12

param iqConnector

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘IqOutput’)


delay: float Range: 0 to 10E-6

set(delay: float, iqConnector=IqConnector.Default) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce]:BB:IMPairment:IQOutput<CH>:DELay = 1.0, iqConnector = repcap.IqConnector.Default)

Defines the time delay of both I and Q vectors between the marker signal at the marker outputs relative to the signal generation start. A positive value means that the I and Q vectors delay relative to the marker/trigger and vice versa. Value range

Table Header: Output / Min /s / Max /s / Increment

  • RF<ch> / 0 / 10E-6 / 1E-12

  • IQOutput<ch> / 500E-9 / 500E-9 / 1E-12

  • DIGital / 500E-9 / 500E-9 / 1E-12

param delay

float Range: 0 to 10E-6

param iqConnector

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘IqOutput’)