SCPI Commands :
- class SeparatorCls[source]
Separator commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 2 group commands
- get_column() RsSmbv.enums.DexchSepCol [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:CORRection:DEXChange:AFILe:SEParator:COLumn value: enums.DexchSepCol = driver.source.correction.dexchange.afile.separator.get_column()
Selects the separator between the frequency and level column of the ASCII table.
- return
column: TABulator| SEMicolon| COMMa| SPACe
- get_decimal() RsSmbv.enums.DexchSepDec [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:CORRection:DEXChange:AFILe:SEParator:DECimal value: enums.DexchSepDec = driver.source.correction.dexchange.afile.separator.get_decimal()
Sets the decimal separator used in the ASCII data between ‘.’ (decimal point) and ‘,’ (comma) with floating-point numerals.
- return
decimal: DOT| COMMa
- set_column(column: RsSmbv.enums.DexchSepCol) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:CORRection:DEXChange:AFILe:SEParator:COLumn driver.source.correction.dexchange.afile.separator.set_column(column = enums.DexchSepCol.COMMa)
Selects the separator between the frequency and level column of the ASCII table.
- param column
TABulator| SEMicolon| COMMa| SPACe
- set_decimal(decimal: RsSmbv.enums.DexchSepDec) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:CORRection:DEXChange:AFILe:SEParator:DECimal driver.source.correction.dexchange.afile.separator.set_decimal(decimal = enums.DexchSepDec.COMMa)
Sets the decimal separator used in the ASCII data between ‘.’ (decimal point) and ‘,’ (comma) with floating-point numerals.
- param decimal