SCPI Commands :
- class FconfigurationCls[source]
Fconfiguration commands group definition. 16 total commands, 9 Subgroups, 5 group commands
- get_crate() RsSmbv.enums.LoRaCodRate [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:LORA:FCONfiguration:CRATe value: enums.LoRaCodRate = driver.source.bb.lora.fconfiguration.get_crate()
Sets the coding rate.
- return
crate: CR0| CR1| CR2| CR3| CR4 CRx = 0 to 4 The coding rate RCoding is calculated as follows: RCoding = 4 / (4 + CRx) ‘CR0’ corresponds to no coding, i.e. RCoding = 1.
- get_dlength() int [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:LORA:FCONfiguration:DLENgth value: int = driver.source.bb.lora.fconfiguration.get_dlength()
Sets the data length of the payload in the frame.
- return
dlength: integer Range: 1 to 255
- get_sfactor() RsSmbv.enums.LoRaSf [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:LORA:FCONfiguration:SFACtor value: enums.LoRaSf = driver.source.bb.lora.fconfiguration.get_sfactor()
Sets the spreading factor for the modulation.
- return
sf: SF6| SF7| SF8| SF9| SF10| SF11| SF12
- get_smode() RsSmbv.enums.LoRaSyncMode [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:LORA:FCONfiguration:SMODe value: enums.LoRaSyncMode = driver.source.bb.lora.fconfiguration.get_smode()
Sets the synchronization mode of the preamble.
- return
smode: PRIVate| PUBLic PRIVate A preamble with a public sync word is generated. PUBLic A preamble with a private sync word is generated.
- get_up_length() int [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:LORA:FCONfiguration:UPLength value: int = driver.source.bb.lora.fconfiguration.get_up_length()
Sets the unmodulated preamble length.
- return
plength: integer Range: 6 to 8
- set_crate(crate: RsSmbv.enums.LoRaCodRate) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:LORA:FCONfiguration:CRATe driver.source.bb.lora.fconfiguration.set_crate(crate = enums.LoRaCodRate.CR0)
Sets the coding rate.
- param crate
CR0| CR1| CR2| CR3| CR4 CRx = 0 to 4 The coding rate RCoding is calculated as follows: RCoding = 4 / (4 + CRx) ‘CR0’ corresponds to no coding, i.e. RCoding = 1.
- set_dlength(dlength: int) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:LORA:FCONfiguration:DLENgth driver.source.bb.lora.fconfiguration.set_dlength(dlength = 1)
Sets the data length of the payload in the frame.
- param dlength
integer Range: 1 to 255
- set_sfactor(sf: RsSmbv.enums.LoRaSf) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:LORA:FCONfiguration:SFACtor driver.source.bb.lora.fconfiguration.set_sfactor(sf = enums.LoRaSf.SF10)
Sets the spreading factor for the modulation.
- param sf
SF6| SF7| SF8| SF9| SF10| SF11| SF12
- set_smode(smode: RsSmbv.enums.LoRaSyncMode) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:LORA:FCONfiguration:SMODe driver.source.bb.lora.fconfiguration.set_smode(smode = enums.LoRaSyncMode.PRIVate)
Sets the synchronization mode of the preamble.
- param smode
PRIVate| PUBLic PRIVate A preamble with a public sync word is generated. PUBLic A preamble with a private sync word is generated.
- set_up_length(plength: int) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:LORA:FCONfiguration:UPLength driver.source.bb.lora.fconfiguration.set_up_length(plength = 1)
Sets the unmodulated preamble length.
- param plength
integer Range: 6 to 8
Cloning the Group
# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.source.bb.lora.fconfiguration.clone()