
SCPI Commands :

class RdistanceCls[source]

Rdistance commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 2 group commands

get_unit() RsSmbv.enums.UnitNmAvionic[source]
value: enums.UnitNmAvionic = driver.source.bb.dme.rdistance.get_unit()

Sets the unit for the range distance that can be defined with the [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:RDIStance. The distance can be given in nautic miles (NM) or us. 1 nm is 1852.01 meters and corresponds to a run time of 12.359 us.


unit: US| NM

get_value() float[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:[BB]:DME:RDIStance
value: float = driver.source.bb.dme.rdistance.get_value()

Sets the simulated distance between the interrogator and the transponder for reply mode (BB:DME:MODE:REPLy) . The distance can be given in nautic miles (NM) or us with the command [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:RDIStance:UNIT. If the unit is not provided next to the value, the value is considered to be in the current unit (last unit set via GUI or the SCPI) . The query always provides the value in the unit set with [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:RDIStance:UNIT. The range distance and the external trigger delay are interdependent according to: Range distance = (trigger delay - X/Y mode delay) /12. 359 us/nm (X mode delay = 50 us, Y mode delay is 56 us) Changing one value automatically changes the other value.


rdistance: float Range: -4.046 (X) , -4.531 (Y) to 400

set_unit(unit: RsSmbv.enums.UnitNmAvionic) None[source]
driver.source.bb.dme.rdistance.set_unit(unit = enums.UnitNmAvionic.NM)

Sets the unit for the range distance that can be defined with the [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:RDIStance. The distance can be given in nautic miles (NM) or us. 1 nm is 1852.01 meters and corresponds to a run time of 12.359 us.

param unit


set_value(rdistance: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:[BB]:DME:RDIStance
driver.source.bb.dme.rdistance.set_value(rdistance = 1.0)

Sets the simulated distance between the interrogator and the transponder for reply mode (BB:DME:MODE:REPLy) . The distance can be given in nautic miles (NM) or us with the command [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:RDIStance:UNIT. If the unit is not provided next to the value, the value is considered to be in the current unit (last unit set via GUI or the SCPI) . The query always provides the value in the unit set with [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:RDIStance:UNIT. The range distance and the external trigger delay are interdependent according to: Range distance = (trigger delay - X/Y mode delay) /12. 359 us/nm (X mode delay = 50 us, Y mode delay is 56 us) Changing one value automatically changes the other value.

param rdistance

float Range: -4.046 (X) , -4.531 (Y) to 400