SCPI Commands :
- class DialogCls[source]
Dialog commands group definition. 4 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 4 group commands
- close(dialog_id: str) None [source]
# SCPI: DISPlay:DIALog:CLOSe driver.display.dialog.close(dialog_id = 'abc')
Closes the specified dialog.
- param dialog_id
string To find out the dialog identifier, use the query method RsSmbv.Display.Dialog.id. The DialogName part of the query result is sufficient.
- close_all() None [source]
# SCPI: DISPlay:DIALog:CLOSe:ALL driver.display.dialog.close_all()
Closes all open dialogs.
- close_all_with_opc(opc_timeout_ms: int = - 1) None [source]
# SCPI: DISPlay:DIALog:CLOSe:ALL driver.display.dialog.close_all_with_opc()
Closes all open dialogs.
Same as close_all, but waits for the operation to complete before continuing further. Use the RsSmbv.utilities.opc_timeout_set() to set the timeout value.
- param opc_timeout_ms
Maximum time to wait in milliseconds, valid only for this call.
- get_id() str [source]
# SCPI: DISPlay:DIALog:ID value: str = driver.display.dialog.get_id()
Returns the dialog identifiers of the open dialogs in a string separated by blanks.
- return
dialog_id_list: DialogID#1 DialogID#2 … DialogID#n Dialog identifiers are string without blanks. Blanks are represented as $$. Dialog identifiers DialogID are composed of two main parts: DialogName[OptionalParts] DialogName Meaningful information, mandatory input parameter for the commands: method RsSmbv.Display.Dialog.open method RsSmbv.Display.Dialog.close Optional parts String of $X values, where X is a character, interpreted as follows: $qDialogQualifier: optional dialog qualifier, usually the letter A or B, as displayed in the dialog title. $iInstances: comma-separated list of instance indexes, given in the order h,c,s,d,g,u,0. Default is zero; the terminating ‘,0’ can be omitted. $tTabIds: comma-separated indexes or tab names; required, if a dialog is composed of several tabs. $xLeft$yTop$hLeft$wTop: position and size; superfluous information.
- open(dialog_id: str) None [source]
# SCPI: DISPlay:DIALog:OPEN driver.display.dialog.open(dialog_id = 'abc')
Opens the specified dialog.
- param dialog_id
string To find out the dialog identifier, use the query method RsSmbv.Display.Dialog.id. The DialogName part of the query result is mandatory.