
SCPI Command :

class CrateCls[source]

Crate commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get_variation() float[source]
value: float =

Enters the output chip rate. The output chip rate changes the output clock and the modulation bandwidth, as well as the synchronization signals that are output. It does not affect the calculated chip sequence.


variation: float Range: 1 Mcps to 5 Mcps

set_variation(variation: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:EVDO:CRATe:VARiation = 1.0)

Enters the output chip rate. The output chip rate changes the output clock and the modulation bandwidth, as well as the synchronization signals that are output. It does not affect the calculated chip sequence.

param variation

float Range: 1 Mcps to 5 Mcps