
SCPI Command :

class IndexCls[source]

Index commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get(userIx=UserIx.Default) int[source]
value: int = = repcap.UserIx.Default)

Sets the MAC Index used for the selected user. MAC Index has to be different for the different users. However, in case that two users are using the same value for MAC Index, the lower priority user is disabled, or be unable to enable. The values for the MAC Indexes for the other users (see [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:EVDO:ANETwork:OUCount) are assigned from a pool of valid MAC Indexes.

param userIx

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘User’)


index: integer Range: 5 to 63 for physical layer subtype 0&1, 6 to 127 for physical layer subtype 2, 4 to 383 for physical layer subtype 3

set(index: int, userIx=UserIx.Default) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:EVDO:USER<ST>:MAC:INDex = 1, userIx = repcap.UserIx.Default)

Sets the MAC Index used for the selected user. MAC Index has to be different for the different users. However, in case that two users are using the same value for MAC Index, the lower priority user is disabled, or be unable to enable. The values for the MAC Indexes for the other users (see [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:EVDO:ANETwork:OUCount) are assigned from a pool of valid MAC Indexes.

param index

integer Range: 5 to 63 for physical layer subtype 0&1, 6 to 127 for physical layer subtype 2, 4 to 383 for physical layer subtype 3

param userIx

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘User’)