
SCPI Commands :

class PinputCls[source]

Pinput commands group definition. 5 total commands, 1 Subgroups, 2 group commands

get_delay() float[source]
value: float =

Sets the delay between the external trigger and the first DME output pulse (50% voltage point of first pulse) . Setting takes effect, if [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:PINPut:SOURce is set to EXTernal. For DME reply mode, this setting simulates the defined delay of the DME transponder and twice the run time of the signal (from interrogator to transponder and back) . The delay is a measure of the range distance, thus, the two values are interdependent according to: Delay = X/Y mode delay + range distance * 12.359 nm/us (X mode delay = 50 us, Y mode delay is 56 us) Changing one value automatically changes the other value.


delay: float Range: 4E-6 to 5E-3

get_source() RsSmbv.enums.AvionicDmePulsInput[source]
value: enums.AvionicDmePulsInput =

Selects the trigger mode for DME modulation signals.


puls_inp_source: EXTernal| PSENsor EXTernal The signals are triggered by an external trigger event. The trigger signal is supplied via the Pulse Ext connector. PSENsor The signals are triggered by a connected power sensor, for example, the R&S NRP-Z81.

set_delay(delay: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:[BB]:DME:PINPut:DELay = 1.0)

Sets the delay between the external trigger and the first DME output pulse (50% voltage point of first pulse) . Setting takes effect, if [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:PINPut:SOURce is set to EXTernal. For DME reply mode, this setting simulates the defined delay of the DME transponder and twice the run time of the signal (from interrogator to transponder and back) . The delay is a measure of the range distance, thus, the two values are interdependent according to: Delay = X/Y mode delay + range distance * 12.359 nm/us (X mode delay = 50 us, Y mode delay is 56 us) Changing one value automatically changes the other value.

param delay

float Range: 4E-6 to 5E-3

set_source(puls_inp_source: RsSmbv.enums.AvionicDmePulsInput) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:[BB]:DME:PINPut:SOURce = enums.AvionicDmePulsInput.EXTernal)

Selects the trigger mode for DME modulation signals.

param puls_inp_source

EXTernal| PSENsor EXTernal The signals are triggered by an external trigger event. The trigger signal is supplied via the Pulse Ext connector. PSENsor The signals are triggered by a connected power sensor, for example, the R&S NRP-Z81.

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 =
