
SCPI Command :

class TimeCls[source]

Time commands group definition. 2 total commands, 1 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get_time() str[source]
value: str = driver.source.bb.btooth.trigger.time.get_time()

Sets the time for a time-based trigger signal. For trigger modes single or armed auto, you can activate triggering at this time via the following command: SOURce<hw>:BB:<DigStd>:TRIGger:TIME:STATe <DigStd> is the mnemonic for the digital standard, for example, ARB. Time-based triggering behaves analogously for all digital standards that support this feature.


time: string

set_time(time: str) None[source]
driver.source.bb.btooth.trigger.time.set_time(time = 'abc')

Sets the time for a time-based trigger signal. For trigger modes single or armed auto, you can activate triggering at this time via the following command: SOURce<hw>:BB:<DigStd>:TRIGger:TIME:STATe <DigStd> is the mnemonic for the digital standard, for example, ARB. Time-based triggering behaves analogously for all digital standards that support this feature.

param time


Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.source.bb.btooth.trigger.time.clone()
