
SCPI Command :

class ModeCls[source]

Mode commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get(output=Output.Default) RsSmbv.enums.Cdma2KmarkMode[source]
value: enums.Cdma2KmarkMode = = repcap.Output.Default)

Defines the signal for the selected marker output.

param output

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Output’)


mode: PCGRoup| RFRame| SCFRame| SFRame| ESECond| CSPeriod| RATio| USER Marker signal that marks: PCGRoup The start of each power control group (every 1.25 ms) . RFRame Every 20 ms (traffic channel clock) . SCFRame The start of each sync channel frame (every 26.6 ms) . SFRame Every 80 ms (super frame clock) . ESECond Every 2 s (even second mark) . CSPeriod The start of each arbitrary waveform sequence RATio Off / On times USER The beginning of every user-defined period

set(mode: RsSmbv.enums.Cdma2KmarkMode, output=Output.Default) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:C2K:TRIGger:OUTPut<CH>:MODE = enums.Cdma2KmarkMode.CSPeriod, output = repcap.Output.Default)

Defines the signal for the selected marker output.

param mode

PCGRoup| RFRame| SCFRame| SFRame| ESECond| CSPeriod| RATio| USER Marker signal that marks: PCGRoup The start of each power control group (every 1.25 ms) . RFRame Every 20 ms (traffic channel clock) . SCFRame The start of each sync channel frame (every 26.6 ms) . SFRame Every 80 ms (super frame clock) . ESECond Every 2 s (even second mark) . CSPeriod The start of each arbitrary waveform sequence RATio Off / On times USER The beginning of every user-defined period

param output

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Output’)