
SCPI Command :

class IselectCls[source]

Iselect commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

class IselectStruct[source]

Response structure. Fields:

  • Instr_Name: List[str]: String Instrument alias name, as retrieved with the command [CMDLINKRESOLVED Sconfiguration.External.Remote#ListPy CMDLINKRESOLVED] or defined with the command [CMDLINKRESOLVED Sconfiguration.External.Remote.Add#set CMDLINKRESOLVED].

  • Rf_Path: str: String Determines the used RF output of the external instrument.

get(index=Index.Default) IselectStruct[source]
# SCPI: SCONfiguration:EXTernal:HSDigital<CH>:REMote:ISELect
value: IselectStruct = = repcap.Index.Default)

Select an external instrument for the selected connector.

param index

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘HsDigital’)


structure: for return value, see the help for IselectStruct structure arguments.

set(instr_name: List[str], rf_path: Optional[str] = None, index=Index.Default) None[source]
# SCPI: SCONfiguration:EXTernal:HSDigital<CH>:REMote:ISELect = ['abc1', 'abc2', 'abc3'], rf_path = 'abc', index = repcap.Index.Default)

Select an external instrument for the selected connector.

param instr_name

String Instrument alias name, as retrieved with the command method RsSmbv.Sconfiguration.External.Remote.listPy or defined with the command method RsSmbv.Sconfiguration.External.Remote.Add.set.

param rf_path

String Determines the used RF output of the external instrument.

param index

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘HsDigital’)