
SCPI Commands :

class PpstCls[source]

Ppst commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 2 group commands

get_enabled() bool[source]
value: bool = driver.source.bb.dme.ppst.get_enabled()

Enables the pulse pair spacing tolerance. If this function is not enabled, the response is sent after the first pulse, without checking whether the second pulse is within the pulse pair spacing tolerance time. You can set the pulse pair spacing tolerance with [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:PPST.


toler_enabled: 1| ON| 0| OFF

get_value() float[source]
value: float = driver.source.bb.dme.ppst.get_value()

Sets the pulse pair spacing tolerance. You have to enable the pulse pair spacing tolerance with the command [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:PPS for this value to be considered.


spac_tolerance: float Range: 0 to (200E-6) /2

set_enabled(toler_enabled: bool) None[source]
driver.source.bb.dme.ppst.set_enabled(toler_enabled = False)

Enables the pulse pair spacing tolerance. If this function is not enabled, the response is sent after the first pulse, without checking whether the second pulse is within the pulse pair spacing tolerance time. You can set the pulse pair spacing tolerance with [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:PPST.

param toler_enabled

1| ON| 0| OFF

set_value(spac_tolerance: float) None[source]
driver.source.bb.dme.ppst.set_value(spac_tolerance = 1.0)

Sets the pulse pair spacing tolerance. You have to enable the pulse pair spacing tolerance with the command [:SOURce<hw>][:BB]:DME:PPS for this value to be considered.

param spac_tolerance

float Range: 0 to (200E-6) /2