
SCPI Commands :

class S15KCls[source]

S15K commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 2 group commands

get_tr_time() float[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:NR5G:OUTPut:TDWind:S15K:TRTime
value: float = driver.source.bb.nr5G.output.tdWind.s15K.get_tr_time()
Sets the transition time when time domain windowing is active.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: The next to last block in the command syntax indicates the used SCS and CP combination.

  • DL: SE<SCS>K, where E indicates the extended CP or for normal CP, the designation is omitted


transition_time: float Range: 0 to 1E-5

get_trtsamples() int[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:NR5G:OUTPut:TDWind:S15K:TRTSamples
value: int = driver.source.bb.nr5G.output.tdWind.s15K.get_trtsamples()
Queries the number of transition samples.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: The next to last block in the command syntax indicates the used SCS and CP combination.

  • DL: SE<SCS>K, where E indicates the extended CP or for normal CP, the designation is omitted


transition_sampl: integer Range: 0 to 1000

set_tr_time(transition_time: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:NR5G:OUTPut:TDWind:S15K:TRTime
driver.source.bb.nr5G.output.tdWind.s15K.set_tr_time(transition_time = 1.0)
Sets the transition time when time domain windowing is active.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: The next to last block in the command syntax indicates the used SCS and CP combination.

  • DL: SE<SCS>K, where E indicates the extended CP or for normal CP, the designation is omitted

param transition_time

float Range: 0 to 1E-5