
SCPI Command :

class AddCls[source]

Add commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

set(instr_name: List[str], hw_chan: str, tcp_ipor_usb_addr: str, rf_path_number: Optional[str] = None) None[source]
# SCPI: SCONfiguration:EXTernal:REMote:ADD
driver.sconfiguration.external.remote.add.set(instr_name = ['abc1', 'abc2', 'abc3'], hw_chan = 'abc', tcp_ipor_usb_addr = 'abc', rf_path_number = 'abc')

Adds manually an external instrument to the list of available instruments.

param instr_name

String Alias name of the instrument

param hw_chan

String Hardware channel (USB or LAN) used by the remote channel to the external instrument Range: ‘LAN’ to ‘USB’

param tcp_ipor_usb_addr

String IP address or hostname of the connected external instrument

param rf_path_number

String Determines the number of RF paths the external instrument is equipped with Range: ‘1’ to ‘2’