
RepCap Settings

# Range: Nr1 .. Nr64
rc =

SCPI Command :

class RuAllocationCls[source]

RuAllocation commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands Repeated Capability: Index, default value after init: Index.Nr1

get(frameBlock=FrameBlock.Default, index=Index.Default) RsSmbv.enums.WlannFbPpduRuAlloc[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:WLNN:FBLock<CH>:CCH1:RUALlocation<ST>
value: enums.WlannFbPpduRuAlloc = = repcap.FrameBlock.Default, index = repcap.Index.Default)

For EHT frames. Sets the resource unit allocation of the first content channel for the respective channel and station.

param frameBlock

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Fblock’)

param index

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘RuAllocation’)


ru_allocation: RU0| RU1| RU2| RU3| RU4| RU5| RU6| RU7| RU8| RU9| RU10| RU11| RU12| RU13| RU14| RU15| RU16| RU17| RU18| RU19| RU20| RU21| RU22| RU23| RU24| RU25| RU26| RU27| RU28| RU29| RU30| RU31| RU32| RU33| RU34| RU35| RU36| RU37| RU38| RU39| RU40| RU41| RU42| RU43| RU44| RU45| RU46| RU47| RU48| RU49| RU50| RU51| RU52| RU53| RU54| RU55| RU56| RU57| RU58| RU59| RU60| RU61| RU62| RU63| RU64| RU65| RU66| RU67| RU68| RU69| RU70| RU71| RU72| RU73| RU74| RU75| RU76| RU77| RU78| RU79| RU80| RU81| RU82| RU83| RU84| RU85| RU86

set(ru_allocation: RsSmbv.enums.WlannFbPpduRuAlloc, frameBlock=FrameBlock.Default, index=Index.Default) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:WLNN:FBLock<CH>:CCH1:RUALlocation<ST> = enums.WlannFbPpduRuAlloc.RU0, frameBlock = repcap.FrameBlock.Default, index = repcap.Index.Default)

For EHT frames. Sets the resource unit allocation of the first content channel for the respective channel and station.

param ru_allocation

RU0| RU1| RU2| RU3| RU4| RU5| RU6| RU7| RU8| RU9| RU10| RU11| RU12| RU13| RU14| RU15| RU16| RU17| RU18| RU19| RU20| RU21| RU22| RU23| RU24| RU25| RU26| RU27| RU28| RU29| RU30| RU31| RU32| RU33| RU34| RU35| RU36| RU37| RU38| RU39| RU40| RU41| RU42| RU43| RU44| RU45| RU46| RU47| RU48| RU49| RU50| RU51| RU52| RU53| RU54| RU55| RU56| RU57| RU58| RU59| RU60| RU61| RU62| RU63| RU64| RU65| RU66| RU67| RU68| RU69| RU70| RU71| RU72| RU73| RU74| RU75| RU76| RU77| RU78| RU79| RU80| RU81| RU82| RU83| RU84| RU85| RU86

param frameBlock

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Fblock’)

param index

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘RuAllocation’)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 =