
SCPI Command :

class EmixerCls[source]

Emixer commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get_mode() bool[source]
value: bool = driver.source.iq.emixer.get_mode()

If enabled, the upper frequency, until a direct I/Q modulation is used, is shifted to 200 MHz. For details, see ‘Extended Mixer Mode’.


mixer_mode: 1| ON| 0| OFF

set_mode(mixer_mode: bool) None[source]
driver.source.iq.emixer.set_mode(mixer_mode = False)

If enabled, the upper frequency, until a direct I/Q modulation is used, is shifted to 200 MHz. For details, see ‘Extended Mixer Mode’.

param mixer_mode

1| ON| 0| OFF