SCPI Commands :
- class DpControlCls[source]
DpControl commands group definition. 9 total commands, 2 Subgroups, 5 group commands
- get_assignment() RsSmbv.enums.PowContAssMode [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:[ENHanced]:[DPDCh]:DPControl:ASSignment value: enums.PowContAssMode = driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.enhanced.dpdch.dpControl.get_assignment()
Enabled for UL-DTX mode only ([:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:UDTX:STATe ON) . The power control recognizes the UL-DPCCH gaps according to 3GPP TS 25.214. Some of the TPC commands sent to the instrument over the external line or by the TPC pattern are ignored, whereas others are summed up and applied later. The processing of the TPC commands depends only on whether the BS sends the TPC bits on the F-DPCH with slot format 0/ slot format 9 or not.
- return
assignment: NORMal| FDPCh
- get_direction() RsSmbv.enums.UpDownDirection [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:[ENHanced]:[DPDCh]:DPControl:DIRection value: enums.UpDownDirection = driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.enhanced.dpdch.dpControl.get_direction()
The command selects the Dynamic Power Control direction. The selected direction determines if the channel power is increased (UP) or decreased (DOWN) by control signal with high level.
- return
direction: UP| DOWN
- get_mode() RsSmbv.enums.PowContMode [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:[ENHanced]:[DPDCh]:DPControl:MODE value: enums.PowContMode = driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.enhanced.dpdch.dpControl.get_mode()
Determines the source of the control signal.
- return
mode: TPC| MANual
- get_power() float [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:[ENHanced]:[DPDCh]:DPControl:[POWer] value: float = driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.enhanced.dpdch.dpControl.get_power()
The command queries the deviation of the channel power (delta POW) from the set power start value of the DPDCH.
- return
power: float Range: -60 to 60
- get_state() bool [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:[ENHanced]:[DPDCh]:DPControl:STATe value: bool = driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.enhanced.dpdch.dpControl.get_state()
Activates/deactivates Dynamic Power Control.
- return
state: 1| ON| 0| OFF
- set_assignment(assignment: RsSmbv.enums.PowContAssMode) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:[ENHanced]:[DPDCh]:DPControl:ASSignment driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.enhanced.dpdch.dpControl.set_assignment(assignment = enums.PowContAssMode.FDPCh)
Enabled for UL-DTX mode only ([:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:UDTX:STATe ON) . The power control recognizes the UL-DPCCH gaps according to 3GPP TS 25.214. Some of the TPC commands sent to the instrument over the external line or by the TPC pattern are ignored, whereas others are summed up and applied later. The processing of the TPC commands depends only on whether the BS sends the TPC bits on the F-DPCH with slot format 0/ slot format 9 or not.
- param assignment
- set_direction(direction: RsSmbv.enums.UpDownDirection) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:[ENHanced]:[DPDCh]:DPControl:DIRection driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.enhanced.dpdch.dpControl.set_direction(direction = enums.UpDownDirection.DOWN)
The command selects the Dynamic Power Control direction. The selected direction determines if the channel power is increased (UP) or decreased (DOWN) by control signal with high level.
- param direction
- set_mode(mode: RsSmbv.enums.PowContMode) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:[ENHanced]:[DPDCh]:DPControl:MODE driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.enhanced.dpdch.dpControl.set_mode(mode = enums.PowContMode.EXTernal)
Determines the source of the control signal.
- param mode
- set_state(state: bool) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:[ENHanced]:[DPDCh]:DPControl:STATe driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.enhanced.dpdch.dpControl.set_state(state = False)
Activates/deactivates Dynamic Power Control.
- param state
1| ON| 0| OFF
Cloning the Group
# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.enhanced.dpdch.dpControl.clone()