
SCPI Command :

class StsfCls[source]

Stsf commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get(userIx=UserIx.Default, cellNull=CellNull.Default, setItem=SetItem.Default) RsSmbv.enums.EutraEmtcMpdcchStartSf[source]
value: enums.EutraEmtcMpdcchStartSf = = repcap.UserIx.Default, cellNull = repcap.CellNull.Default, setItem = repcap.SetItem.Default)

Sets the first subframe of the search space.

param userIx

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘User’)

param cellNull

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr0 (settable in the interface ‘Cell’)

param setItem

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Set’)


search_sp_start_sf: S1| S1_5| S2| S2_5| S5| S8| S10| S20| S4

set(search_sp_start_sf: RsSmbv.enums.EutraEmtcMpdcchStartSf, userIx=UserIx.Default, cellNull=CellNull.Default, setItem=SetItem.Default) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:EUTRa:DL:USER<CH>:EPDCch:CELL<ST0>:SET<DIR>:STSF = enums.EutraEmtcMpdcchStartSf.S1, userIx = repcap.UserIx.Default, cellNull = repcap.CellNull.Default, setItem = repcap.SetItem.Default)

Sets the first subframe of the search space.

param search_sp_start_sf

S1| S1_5| S2| S2_5| S5| S8| S10| S20| S4

param userIx

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘User’)

param cellNull

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr0 (settable in the interface ‘Cell’)

param setItem

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Set’)