SCPI Command :
- class ApmCls[source]
Apm commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get(allocationNull=AllocationNull.Default) RsSmbv.enums.EutraBfapMapMode [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:EUTRa:DL:EMTC:ALLoc<CH0>:PRECoding:APM value: enums.EutraBfapMapMode = driver.source.bb.eutra.downlink.emtc.alloc.precoding.apm.get(allocationNull = repcap.AllocationNull.Default)
Queries the antenna port mapping method.
- param allocationNull
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr0 (settable in the interface ‘Alloc’)
- return
ant_port_map: CB| RCB| FW CB = codebook RCB = random codebook FW = fixed weights