
SCPI Command :

class ReadCls[source]

Read commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get(mobileStation=MobileStation.Default) RsSmbv.enums.TpcReadMode[source]
value: enums.TpcReadMode = = repcap.MobileStation.Default)

The command sets the read out mode for the bit pattern of the TPC field of the PCPCH. The bit pattern is selected with the command [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation<st>:PCPCh:TPC:DATA.

param mobileStation

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Mstation’)


read: CONTinuous| S0A| S1A| S01A| S10A CONTinuous The bit pattern is used cyclically. S0A The bit pattern is used once, then the TPC sequence continues with 0 bits. S1A The bit pattern is used once, then the TPC sequence continues with 1 bits. S01A The bit pattern is used once and then the TPC sequence is continued with 0 and 1 bits alternately (in multiples, depending on by the symbol rate, for example, 00001111) . S10A The bit pattern is used once and then the TPC sequence is continued with 1 and 0 bits alternately (in multiples, depending on by the symbol rate, for example, 11110000) .

set(read: RsSmbv.enums.TpcReadMode, mobileStation=MobileStation.Default) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation<ST>:PCPCh:TPC:READ = enums.TpcReadMode.CONTinuous, mobileStation = repcap.MobileStation.Default)

The command sets the read out mode for the bit pattern of the TPC field of the PCPCH. The bit pattern is selected with the command [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation<st>:PCPCh:TPC:DATA.

param read

CONTinuous| S0A| S1A| S01A| S10A CONTinuous The bit pattern is used cyclically. S0A The bit pattern is used once, then the TPC sequence continues with 0 bits. S1A The bit pattern is used once, then the TPC sequence continues with 1 bits. S01A The bit pattern is used once and then the TPC sequence is continued with 0 and 1 bits alternately (in multiples, depending on by the symbol rate, for example, 00001111) . S10A The bit pattern is used once and then the TPC sequence is continued with 1 and 0 bits alternately (in multiples, depending on by the symbol rate, for example, 11110000) .

param mobileStation

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Mstation’)