
SCPI Commands :

class CcodingCls[source]

Ccoding commands group definition. 6 total commands, 1 Subgroups, 2 group commands

get_state() bool[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:CCODing:STATe
value: bool =

The command activates or deactivates channel coding for the enhanced channels. When channel coding is activated, the overall symbol rate ([:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:ORATe) is set to the value predetermined by the selected channel coding type ([:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:CCODing:TYPE) .


state: 1| ON| 0| OFF

get_type_py() RsSmbv.enums.ChanCodType[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:CCODing:TYPE
value: enums.ChanCodType =

The command selects the channel coding scheme in accordance with the 3GPP specification. The channel coding scheme selected predetermines the overall symbol rate. When channel coding is activated ([:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:CCODing:STATe) the overall symbol rate ([:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:ORATe) is set to the value predetermined by the selected channel coding type.


type_py: M12K2| M64K| M144k| M384k| AMR M12K2 Measurement channel with an input data bit rate of 12.2 ksps. M64K Measurement channel with an input data bit rate of 64 ksps. M144K Measurement channel with an input data bit rate of 144 ksps. M384K Measurement channel with an input data bit rate of 384 ksps. AMR Channel coding for the AMR Coder (coding a voice channel) . USER This parameter cannot be set. USER is returned whenever a user-defined channel coding is active, that is to say, after a channel coding parameter has been changed or a user coding file has been loaded. The file is loaded by the command [:SOURcehw]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:CCODing:USER:LOAD.

set_state(state: bool) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:CCODing:STATe = False)

The command activates or deactivates channel coding for the enhanced channels. When channel coding is activated, the overall symbol rate ([:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:ORATe) is set to the value predetermined by the selected channel coding type ([:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:CCODing:TYPE) .

param state

1| ON| 0| OFF

set_type_py(type_py: RsSmbv.enums.ChanCodType) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:CCODing:TYPE = enums.ChanCodType.AMR)

The command selects the channel coding scheme in accordance with the 3GPP specification. The channel coding scheme selected predetermines the overall symbol rate. When channel coding is activated ([:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:CCODing:STATe) the overall symbol rate ([:SOURce<hw>]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:ORATe) is set to the value predetermined by the selected channel coding type.

param type_py

M12K2| M64K| M144k| M384k| AMR M12K2 Measurement channel with an input data bit rate of 12.2 ksps. M64K Measurement channel with an input data bit rate of 64 ksps. M144K Measurement channel with an input data bit rate of 144 ksps. M384K Measurement channel with an input data bit rate of 384 ksps. AMR Channel coding for the AMR Coder (coding a voice channel) . USER This parameter cannot be set. USER is returned whenever a user-defined channel coding is active, that is to say, after a channel coding parameter has been changed or a user coding file has been loaded. The file is loaded by the command [:SOURcehw]:BB:W3GPp:MSTation:ENHanced:DPDCh:CCODing:USER:LOAD.

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 =
