
RepCap Settings

# Range: Nr0 .. Nr63
rc = driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.dpcch.hs.row.hack.repcap_indexNull_get()

SCPI Command :

class HackCls[source]

Hack commands group definition. 3 total commands, 2 Subgroups, 1 group commands Repeated Capability: IndexNull, default value after init: IndexNull.Nr0

get(mobileStation=MobileStation.Default, rowNull=RowNull.Default, indexNull=IndexNull.Default) RsSmbv.enums.HsRel8HarqMode[source]
value: enums.HsRel8HarqMode = driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.dpcch.hs.row.hack.get(mobileStation = repcap.MobileStation.Default, rowNull = repcap.RowNull.Default, indexNull = repcap.IndexNull.Default)

(Release 8 and Later) Sets the information transmitted during the HARQ-ACK slots of the TTIs during the corresponding specified HARQ-ACK From/To range. For detailed description, see ‘HS-DPCCH 1/2, HARQ-ACK 1/2/3/4’. The Table ‘Cross-reference between the used GUI terms and abbreviations in the SCPI command’ provides the necessary cross-reference information. Cross-reference between the used GUI terms and abbreviations in the SCPI command

Table Header: Value name / Parameter value

  • ‘DTX’ / DTX | D_DTX

  • ‘PRE, POST’ / PRE | POST

  • ‘A, N’ / A | N

  • ‘AA, AN, NA, NN’ / M_A | M_N | M_AA | M_AN | M_NA | M_NN

  • ‘A/D, N/A, … ‘ (different combinations possible) / S_A_D | S_N_A | … (different combinations possible)

  • ‘A/D/D, N/D/D, … ‘ (different combinations possible) / S2_N_N_N | S2_N_N_A | … (different combinations possible)

  • ‘AN/NN, D/AA, … ‘ (different combinations possible) / MS_AA_AA | MS_D_AA … (different combinations possible)

param mobileStation

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Mstation’)

param rowNull

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr0 (settable in the interface ‘Row’)

param indexNull

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr0 (settable in the interface ‘Hack’)


harq_ack: DTX| PRE| POST| A| N| M_A| M_N| M_AA| M_AN| M_NA| M_NN| S_A_D| S_N_D| S_D_A| S_D_N| S_A_A| S_A_N| S_N_A| S_N_N| MS_A_D| MS_N_D| MS_AA_D| MS_AN_D| MS_NA_D| MS_NN_D| MS_D_A| MS_D_N| MS_D_AA| MS_D_AN| MS_D_NA| MS_D_NN| MS_A_A| MS_A_N| MS_N_A| MS_N_N| MS_A_AA| MS_A_AN| MS_A_NA| MS_A_NN| MS_N_AA| MS_N_AN| MS_N_NA| MS_N_NN| MS_AA_A| MS_AA_N| MS_AN_A| MS_AN_N| MS_NA_A| MS_NA_N| MS_NN_A| MS_NN_N| MS_AA_AA| MS_AA_AN| MS_AA_NA| MS_AA_NN| MS_AN_AA| MS_AN_AN| MS_AN_NA| MS_AN_NN| MS_NA_AA| MS_NA_AN| MS_NA_NA| MS_NA_NN| MS_NN_AA| MS_NN_AN| MS_NN_NA| MS_NN_NN| S2_A_D_D| S2_N_D_D| S2_D_A_D| S2_D_N_D| S2_D_D_A| S2_D_D_N| S2_A_A_D| S2_A_N_D| S2_N_A_D| S2_N_N_D| S2_A_D_A| S2_A_D_N| S2_N_D_A| S2_N_D_N| S2_D_A_A| S2_D_A_N| S2_D_N_A| S2_D_N_N| S2_A_A_A| S2_A_A_N| S2_A_N_A| S2_A_N_N| S2_N_A_A| S2_N_A_N| S2_N_N_A| S2_N_N_N| D_DTX

set(harq_ack: RsSmbv.enums.HsRel8HarqMode, mobileStation=MobileStation.Default, rowNull=RowNull.Default, indexNull=IndexNull.Default) None[source]
driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.dpcch.hs.row.hack.set(harq_ack = enums.HsRel8HarqMode.A, mobileStation = repcap.MobileStation.Default, rowNull = repcap.RowNull.Default, indexNull = repcap.IndexNull.Default)

(Release 8 and Later) Sets the information transmitted during the HARQ-ACK slots of the TTIs during the corresponding specified HARQ-ACK From/To range. For detailed description, see ‘HS-DPCCH 1/2, HARQ-ACK 1/2/3/4’. The Table ‘Cross-reference between the used GUI terms and abbreviations in the SCPI command’ provides the necessary cross-reference information. Cross-reference between the used GUI terms and abbreviations in the SCPI command

Table Header: Value name / Parameter value

  • ‘DTX’ / DTX | D_DTX

  • ‘PRE, POST’ / PRE | POST

  • ‘A, N’ / A | N

  • ‘AA, AN, NA, NN’ / M_A | M_N | M_AA | M_AN | M_NA | M_NN

  • ‘A/D, N/A, … ‘ (different combinations possible) / S_A_D | S_N_A | … (different combinations possible)

  • ‘A/D/D, N/D/D, … ‘ (different combinations possible) / S2_N_N_N | S2_N_N_A | … (different combinations possible)

  • ‘AN/NN, D/AA, … ‘ (different combinations possible) / MS_AA_AA | MS_D_AA … (different combinations possible)

param harq_ack

DTX| PRE| POST| A| N| M_A| M_N| M_AA| M_AN| M_NA| M_NN| S_A_D| S_N_D| S_D_A| S_D_N| S_A_A| S_A_N| S_N_A| S_N_N| MS_A_D| MS_N_D| MS_AA_D| MS_AN_D| MS_NA_D| MS_NN_D| MS_D_A| MS_D_N| MS_D_AA| MS_D_AN| MS_D_NA| MS_D_NN| MS_A_A| MS_A_N| MS_N_A| MS_N_N| MS_A_AA| MS_A_AN| MS_A_NA| MS_A_NN| MS_N_AA| MS_N_AN| MS_N_NA| MS_N_NN| MS_AA_A| MS_AA_N| MS_AN_A| MS_AN_N| MS_NA_A| MS_NA_N| MS_NN_A| MS_NN_N| MS_AA_AA| MS_AA_AN| MS_AA_NA| MS_AA_NN| MS_AN_AA| MS_AN_AN| MS_AN_NA| MS_AN_NN| MS_NA_AA| MS_NA_AN| MS_NA_NA| MS_NA_NN| MS_NN_AA| MS_NN_AN| MS_NN_NA| MS_NN_NN| S2_A_D_D| S2_N_D_D| S2_D_A_D| S2_D_N_D| S2_D_D_A| S2_D_D_N| S2_A_A_D| S2_A_N_D| S2_N_A_D| S2_N_N_D| S2_A_D_A| S2_A_D_N| S2_N_D_A| S2_N_D_N| S2_D_A_A| S2_D_A_N| S2_D_N_A| S2_D_N_N| S2_A_A_A| S2_A_A_N| S2_A_N_A| S2_A_N_N| S2_N_A_A| S2_N_A_N| S2_N_N_A| S2_N_N_N| D_DTX

param mobileStation

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Mstation’)

param rowNull

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr0 (settable in the interface ‘Row’)

param indexNull

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr0 (settable in the interface ‘Hack’)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.source.bb.w3Gpp.mstation.dpcch.hs.row.hack.clone()
