
SCPI Command :

class ExecuteCls[source]

Execute commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

set(satelliteSvid=SatelliteSvid.Default) None[source]
driver.source.bb.gnss.svid.gps.power.copy.execute.set(satelliteSvid = repcap.SatelliteSvid.Default)

Applies the configuration of the current satellite (SVID<ch>:<GNSS system>) to the satellite defined with the command [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:GNSS:SVID<ch>:GPS:POWer:COPY:SVID. Both SV IDs belong to the same GNSS system.

param satelliteSvid

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Svid’)

set_with_opc(satelliteSvid=SatelliteSvid.Default, opc_timeout_ms: int = - 1) None[source]