SCPI Command :
- class EgateCls[source]
Egate commands group definition. 14 total commands, 9 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() bool [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe value: bool = driver.applications.k14Xnr5G.sense.sweep.egate.get()
Turns gated measurements on and off. For measurements with an external trigger gate, the measured values are recorded as long as the gate is opened. During a sweep the gate can be opened and closed several times. The synchronization mechanisms with *OPC, *OPC? and *WAI remain completely unaffected. The measurement ends when a particular number of measurement points has been recorded. (See [SENSe:]SWEep[:WINDow<n>]:POINts) . Performing gated measurements turns the squelch off.
- return
state: ON | OFF | 0 | 1 OFF | 0 Switches the function off ON | 1 Switches the function on
- set(state: bool) None [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe driver.applications.k14Xnr5G.sense.sweep.egate.set(state = False)
Turns gated measurements on and off. For measurements with an external trigger gate, the measured values are recorded as long as the gate is opened. During a sweep the gate can be opened and closed several times. The synchronization mechanisms with *OPC, *OPC? and *WAI remain completely unaffected. The measurement ends when a particular number of measurement points has been recorded. (See [SENSe:]SWEep[:WINDow<n>]:POINts) . Performing gated measurements turns the squelch off.
- param state
ON | OFF | 0 | 1 OFF | 0 Switches the function off ON | 1 Switches the function on
Cloning the Group
# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.applications.k14Xnr5G.sense.sweep.egate.clone()