SCPI Command :
- class AutoCls[source]
Auto commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() bool [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:AUTO value: bool =
Determines whether the same or different triggers are used for general measurement and gating.
- return
state: ON | OFF | 0 | 1 OFF | 0 The gate is opened by the trigger source defined by [SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:SOURce, but only after a trigger from the general method RsFsw.Applications.K91_Wlan.Trigger.Sequence.Source.set occurs. ON | 1 (Default:) The trigger defined by method RsFsw.Applications.K91_Wlan.Trigger.Sequence.Source.set is used both for the general measurement trigger and the gating trigger.
- set(state: bool) None [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:AUTO = False)
Determines whether the same or different triggers are used for general measurement and gating.
- param state
ON | OFF | 0 | 1 OFF | 0 The gate is opened by the trigger source defined by [SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:SOURce, but only after a trigger from the general method RsFsw.Applications.K91_Wlan.Trigger.Sequence.Source.set occurs. ON | 1 (Default:) The trigger defined by method RsFsw.Applications.K91_Wlan.Trigger.Sequence.Source.set is used both for the general measurement trigger and the gating trigger.