SCPI Command :
- class PowerCls[source]
Power commands group definition. 3 total commands, 2 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- set(yaxis: RsFsw.enums.PulsePowerItems, xaxis: RsFsw.enums.PulseAxisItems, window=Window.Default) None [source]
# SCPI: CALCulate<n>:TRENd:POWer driver.applications.k6Pulse.calculate.trend.power.set(yaxis = enums.PulsePowerItems.ADDB, xaxis = enums.PulseAxisItems.DCYCle, window = repcap.Window.Default)
Configures the Parameter Trend result display for time trends. This command defines both x-axis and y-axis parameters in one step. It is equivalent to the two subsequent commands: CALCulate<n>:TRENd:TIMing:X TSTamp | PNUMber (see method RsFsw. Applications.K6_Pulse.Calculate.Trend.Timing.X.set) CALCulate<n>:TRENd:POWer:Y <YAxis> (see method RsFsw.Applications. K6_Pulse.Calculate.Trend.Power.Y.set)
- param yaxis
TOP | BASE | AMPLitude | ON | AVG | MIN | MAX | PON | PAVG | PMIN | ADPercent | ADDB | RPERcent | RDB | OPERcent | ODB | POINt | PPRatio | I | Q Pulse parameter to be displayed on the y-axis. For a description of the available parameters see ‘Power/amplitude parameters’. TOP Top Power BASE Base Power AMPLitude Pulse Amplitude ON Average ON Power AVG Average Tx Power MIN Minimum Power MAX Peak Power PON Peak-to-Avg ON Power Ratio PAVG Peak-to-Average Tx Power Ratio PMIN Peak-to-Min Power Ratio ADPercent Droop in % ADDB Droop in dB RPERcent Ripple in % RDB Ripple in dB OPERcent Overshoot in % ODB Overshoot in dB POINt Pulse power measured at measurement point PPRatio Pulse-to-Pulse Power Difference
- param xaxis
PNUMber | TSTamp | SETTling | RISE | FALL | PWIDth | OFF | DRATio | DCYCle | PRI | PRF Pulse parameter to be displayed on the x-axis. For a description of the available parameters see ‘Timing parameters’. TSTamp Timestamp PNUMber The pulse numbers are represented on the x-axis (available numbers can be queried using [SENSe:]PULSe:NUMBer?) . Intervals without pulses are not displayed. SETTling Settling Time RISE Rise Time FALL Fall Time PWIDth Pulse Width (ON Time) OFF Off Time DRATio Duty Ratio DCYCle Duty Cycle (%) PRI Pulse Repetition Interval PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency (Hz)
- param window
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Calculate’)
Cloning the Group
# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.applications.k6Pulse.calculate.trend.power.clone()