
SCPI Command :

class DataCls[source]

Data commands group definition. 3 total commands, 2 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get(cell=Cell.Default, channel=Channel.Default) RsSmw.enums.DataSourceA[source]
value: enums.DataSourceA = = repcap.Cell.Default, channel = repcap.Channel.Default)

The command selects the data source for the specified channel. For the traffic channels, this value is specific for the selected radio configuration.

param cell

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Cell’)

param channel

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Dtch’)


data: PN9| PN11| PN15| PN16| PN20| PN21| PN23| DLISt| ZERO| ONE| PATTern PNxx PRBS data as per CCITT with period lengths between 29-1 and 223-1 is generated internally. DLISt Internal data from a programmable data list is used. The data list can be generated by the Data Editor or generated externally. Data lists are selected in the ‘Select Data List’ field. The data list is selected with the command BB:TDSC:DOWN:CELL1:ENH:BCH:DTCH:DATA:DSEL data list name. ZERO | ONE Internal 0 and 1 data is used. PATTern A user-definable bit pattern with a maximum length of 64 bits is generated internally. The bit pattern is defined in the ‘Pattern entry field’. The bit pattern is selected with the command BB:TDSC:DOWN:CELL1:ENH:BCH:DTCH:DATA:PATT bit pattern.

set(data: RsSmw.enums.DataSourceA, cell=Cell.Default, channel=Channel.Default) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:TDSCdma:DOWN:CELL<ST>:ENH:DCH:DTCH<CH>:DATA = enums.DataSourceA.DLISt, cell = repcap.Cell.Default, channel = repcap.Channel.Default)

The command selects the data source for the specified channel. For the traffic channels, this value is specific for the selected radio configuration.

param data

PN9| PN11| PN15| PN16| PN20| PN21| PN23| DLISt| ZERO| ONE| PATTern PNxx PRBS data as per CCITT with period lengths between 29-1 and 223-1 is generated internally. DLISt Internal data from a programmable data list is used. The data list can be generated by the Data Editor or generated externally. Data lists are selected in the ‘Select Data List’ field. The data list is selected with the command BB:TDSC:DOWN:CELL1:ENH:BCH:DTCH:DATA:DSEL data list name. ZERO | ONE Internal 0 and 1 data is used. PATTern A user-definable bit pattern with a maximum length of 64 bits is generated internally. The bit pattern is defined in the ‘Pattern entry field’. The bit pattern is selected with the command BB:TDSC:DOWN:CELL1:ENH:BCH:DTCH:DATA:PATT bit pattern.

param cell

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Cell’)

param channel

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Dtch’)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 =
