SCPI Command :
- class TypePyCls[source]
TypePy commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() RsFsw.enums.EgateType [source]
# SCPI: TRACe:IQ:EGATe:TYPE value: enums.EgateType = driver.trace.iq.egate.typePy.get()
Selects the gate mode for gated measurements with the I/Q analyzer. Note: The IF power trigger holdoff time is ignored if you are using the ‘Level’ gate mode in combination with an IF Power trigger.
- return
type_py: LEVel EDGE
- set(type_py: RsFsw.enums.EgateType) None [source]
# SCPI: TRACe:IQ:EGATe:TYPE driver.trace.iq.egate.typePy.set(type_py = enums.EgateType.EDGE)
Selects the gate mode for gated measurements with the I/Q analyzer. Note: The IF power trigger holdoff time is ignored if you are using the ‘Level’ gate mode in combination with an IF Power trigger.
- param type_py