SCPI Command :
- class LengthCls[source]
Length commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() float [source]
# SCPI: TRACe:IQ:EGATe:LENGth value: float = driver.trace.iq.egate.length.get()
Defines the gate length for gated measurements with the I/Q analyzer. Defines the gate length in samples in edge mode. For details see ‘Configuring I/Q gating’.
- return
gate_length: numeric value Max = (440 MS * sample rate/200MHz) -1 pretrigger samples defined by TRACe:IQ:SET; sample rate defined by method RsFsw.Applications.K10x_Lte.Trace.Iq.SymbolRate.get_) Range: 1…Max (samples)
- set(gate_length: float) None [source]
# SCPI: TRACe:IQ:EGATe:LENGth driver.trace.iq.egate.length.set(gate_length = 1.0)
Defines the gate length for gated measurements with the I/Q analyzer. Defines the gate length in samples in edge mode. For details see ‘Configuring I/Q gating’.
- param gate_length
numeric value Max = (440 MS * sample rate/200MHz) -1 pretrigger samples defined by TRACe:IQ:SET; sample rate defined by method RsFsw.Applications.K10x_Lte.Trace.Iq.SymbolRate.get_) Range: 1…Max (samples)