
SCPI Commands :

class EnvelopeCls[source]

Envelope commands group definition. 47 total commands, 7 Subgroups, 12 group commands

get_adaption() RsSmw.enums.IqOutEnvAdaption[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:ADAPtion
value: enums.IqOutEnvAdaption = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_adaption()

Defines the envelope voltage adaption mode.


adaption_mode: AUTO| MANual| POWer AUTO = Auto Normalized, POWer = Auto Power, MANual = Manual

get_bias() float[source]
value: float = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_bias()

Sets a bias.


bias: float Range: -3.390V to 3.990V (R&S SMW-B10) / -0.2V to 2.5V (R&S SMW-B9) , Unit: V

get_binput() bool[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:BINPut
value: bool = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_binput()

Enables the generation of a bipolar signal.


bipolar_input: 1| ON| 0| OFF

get_delay() float[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:DELay
value: float = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_delay()

Enables a time delay of the generated envelope signal relative to the corresponding RF signal.


delay: float Range: -500E-9 to 500E-9

get_etrak() RsSmw.enums.IqOutEnvEtRak[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:ETRak
value: enums.IqOutEnvEtRak = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_etrak()

Selects one of the predefined interface types or allows user-defined settings. See Table ‘Default parameters per eTrak(R) Interface Type’.


etrak_ifc_type: USER| ET1V2| ET1V5| ET2V0

get_fdpd() bool[source]
value: bool = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_fdpd()

Enables calculation of the envelope from predistorted signal.


calc_from_dpd_stat: 1| ON| 0| OFF

get_gain() float[source]
value: float = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_gain()

Sets the gain of the used external DC modulator.


gain: float Range: -50 to 50

get_offset() float[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:OFFSet
value: float = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_offset()

Sets an offset between the envelope and the inverted envelope signal.


offset: float Range: (-4+Vp/2+Vbias/2) ,V to (4-Vp/2-Vbias/2) ,V (R&S SMW-B10) / -2V to 2V (R&S SMW-B9) , Unit: V

get_rin() float[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:RIN
value: float = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_rin()

Sets the input impedance Rin of the used external DC modulator.


ipart_nput_resistance: No help available

get_state() bool[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:STATe
value: bool = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_state()

Enables the output of a control signal that follows the RF envelope.


state: 1| ON| 0| OFF

get_termination() RsSmw.enums.IqOutEnvTerm[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:TERMination
value: enums.IqOutEnvTerm = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_termination()

Sets how the inputs of the DC modulator are terminated.


termination: GROund| WIRE

get_vref() RsSmw.enums.IqOutEnvVrEf[source]
value: enums.IqOutEnvVrEf = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.get_vref()

Defines whether the envelope voltage Vout is set directly or it is estimated from the selected supply voltage Vcc.


voltage_reference: VCC| VOUT

set_adaption(adaption_mode: RsSmw.enums.IqOutEnvAdaption) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:ADAPtion
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_adaption(adaption_mode = enums.IqOutEnvAdaption.AUTO)

Defines the envelope voltage adaption mode.

param adaption_mode

AUTO| MANual| POWer AUTO = Auto Normalized, POWer = Auto Power, MANual = Manual

set_bias(bias: float) None[source]
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_bias(bias = 1.0)

Sets a bias.

param bias

float Range: -3.390V to 3.990V (R&S SMW-B10) / -0.2V to 2.5V (R&S SMW-B9) , Unit: V

set_binput(bipolar_input: bool) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:BINPut
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_binput(bipolar_input = False)

Enables the generation of a bipolar signal.

param bipolar_input

1| ON| 0| OFF

set_delay(delay: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:DELay
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_delay(delay = 1.0)

Enables a time delay of the generated envelope signal relative to the corresponding RF signal.

param delay

float Range: -500E-9 to 500E-9

set_etrak(etrak_ifc_type: RsSmw.enums.IqOutEnvEtRak) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:ETRak
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_etrak(etrak_ifc_type = enums.IqOutEnvEtRak.ET1V2)

Selects one of the predefined interface types or allows user-defined settings. See Table ‘Default parameters per eTrak(R) Interface Type’.

param etrak_ifc_type


set_fdpd(calc_from_dpd_stat: bool) None[source]
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_fdpd(calc_from_dpd_stat = False)

Enables calculation of the envelope from predistorted signal.

param calc_from_dpd_stat

1| ON| 0| OFF

set_gain(gain: float) None[source]
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_gain(gain = 1.0)

Sets the gain of the used external DC modulator.

param gain

float Range: -50 to 50

set_offset(offset: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:OFFSet
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_offset(offset = 1.0)

Sets an offset between the envelope and the inverted envelope signal.

param offset

float Range: (-4+Vp/2+Vbias/2) ,V to (4-Vp/2-Vbias/2) ,V (R&S SMW-B10) / -2V to 2V (R&S SMW-B9) , Unit: V

set_rin(ipart_nput_resistance: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:RIN
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_rin(ipart_nput_resistance = 1.0)

Sets the input impedance Rin of the used external DC modulator.

param ipart_nput_resistance

float Range: 50|100 to 1E6

set_state(state: bool) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:STATe
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_state(state = False)

Enables the output of a control signal that follows the RF envelope.

param state

1| ON| 0| OFF

set_termination(termination: RsSmw.enums.IqOutEnvTerm) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:OUTPut:[ANALog]:ENVelope:TERMination
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_termination(termination = enums.IqOutEnvTerm.GROund)

Sets how the inputs of the DC modulator are terminated.

param termination


set_vref(voltage_reference: RsSmw.enums.IqOutEnvVrEf) None[source]
driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.set_vref(voltage_reference = enums.IqOutEnvVrEf.VCC)

Defines whether the envelope voltage Vout is set directly or it is estimated from the selected supply voltage Vcc.

param voltage_reference


Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.source.iq.output.analog.envelope.clone()
