SCPI Commands :
- class FileCls[source]
File commands group definition. 4 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 4 group commands
- get_catalog() List[str] [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:DPD:SHAPing:TABLe:AMPM:FILE:CATalog value: List[str] =
Queries the available table files in the default directory. Only files with the extension *.dpd_magn(AM/AM) or *. dpd_phase(AM/PM) are listed.
- return
catalog: string
- get_data() List[float] [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:DPD:SHAPing:TABLe:AMPM:FILE:DATA value: List[float] =
Defines the predistortion function in a raw data format. See also [:SOURce<hw>]:IQ:DPD:SHAPing:TABLe:AMPM:FILE:NEW.
- return
dpd_pm_table_data: No help available
- get_select() str [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:DPD:SHAPing:TABLe:AMPM:FILE:[SELect] value: str =
Selects a file with correction values (extension *.dpd_magn (AM/AM) or *.dpd_phase(AM/FM) ).
- return
filename: string
- set_data(dpd_pm_table_data: List[float]) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:DPD:SHAPing:TABLe:AMPM:FILE:DATA = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3])
Defines the predistortion function in a raw data format. See also [:SOURce<hw>]:IQ:DPD:SHAPing:TABLe:AMPM:FILE:NEW.
- param dpd_pm_table_data
No help available
- set_new(ipartd_pi_db_dpd_pm_table_data_new_file: List[float]) None [source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:IQ:DPD:SHAPing:TABLe:AMPM:FILE:NEW = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3])
Stores the correction values into a file with the selected file name and loads it. The file is stored in the default directory or in the directory specified with the absolute file path. If the file does not yet exist, a new file is created. The file extension is assigned automatically.
- param ipartd_pi_db_dpd_pm_table_data_new_file
No help available