SCPI Command :
- class ListPyCls[source]
ListPy commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- class GetStruct[source]
Response structure. Fields:
Option: str: string value Name of an option whose license is set.
State: enums.OptionState: ON | OFF | OCCupy State of the license ON Floating license enabled OFF Floating license disabled OCCupy Occupied license
Days: float: The time period that an occupied license is stored locally after it is retrieved from the license server. Range: 1 to 7, Unit: days
- get() GetStruct [source]
# SCPI: SYSTem:OPTion:LICense[:LIST] value: GetStruct = driver.system.option.license.listPy.get()
Defines the availability of floating licenses for the FSW.
- return
structure: for return value, see the help for GetStruct structure arguments.