SCPI Command :
- class RsweepCls[source]
Rsweep commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() bool [source]
# SCPI: SYSTem:RSWeep value: bool = driver.system.rsweep.get()
Controls a repeated sweep of the E1 and MKPK HI HP model commands (for details on the commands refer to ‘Reference: GPIB commands of emulated HP models’) . If the repeated sweep is OFF, the marker is set without sweeping before. This command is only available if a HP language is selected using method RsFsw.System.Language.set
- return
state: ON | OFF | 1 | 0
- set(state: bool) None [source]
# SCPI: SYSTem:RSWeep driver.system.rsweep.set(state = False)
Controls a repeated sweep of the E1 and MKPK HI HP model commands (for details on the commands refer to ‘Reference: GPIB commands of emulated HP models’) . If the repeated sweep is OFF, the marker is set without sweeping before. This command is only available if a HP language is selected using method RsFsw.System.Language.set
- param state
ON | OFF | 1 | 0