SCPI Commands :
- class UserCls[source]
User commands group definition. 4 total commands, 1 Subgroups, 3 group commands
- delete(name: str) None [source]
# SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SNMP:USM:USER:DELete driver.system.communicate.snmp.usm.user.delete(name = 'abc')
Deletes a specific SNMP user profile.
- param name
String containing name of SNMP user profile to be deleted.
- delete_all() None [source]
# SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SNMP:USM:USER:DELete:ALL driver.system.communicate.snmp.usm.user.delete_all()
Deletes all SNMP user profiles.
- delete_all_with_opc(opc_timeout_ms: int = - 1) None [source]
# SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SNMP:USM:USER:DELete:ALL driver.system.communicate.snmp.usm.user.delete_all_with_opc()
Deletes all SNMP user profiles.
Same as delete_all, but waits for the operation to complete before continuing further. Use the RsFsw.utilities.opc_timeout_set() to set the timeout value.
- param opc_timeout_ms
Maximum time to wait in milliseconds, valid only for this call.
- set(name: str, access: RsFsw.enums.AccessType, level: RsFsw.enums.UserLevel, auth_pwd: Optional[str] = None, priv_pwd: Optional[str] = None) None [source]
# SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SNMP:USM:USER driver.system.communicate.snmp.usm.user.set(name = 'abc', access = enums.AccessType.RO, level = enums.UserLevel.AUTH, auth_pwd = 'abc', priv_pwd = 'abc')
- Defines an SNMP user profile.
INTRO_CMD_HELP: Prerequisites for this command:
Select SNMPv3 (method RsFsw.System.Communicate.Snmp.Version.set) .
- param name
String containing name of the user.
- param access
RO | RW Defines the access right a user can have.
- param level
NOAuth | AUTH | PRIVacy Defines the security level.
- param auth_pwd
String containing the authentication password.
- param priv_pwd
String containing the privacy password.
Cloning the Group
# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.system.communicate.snmp.usm.user.clone()