SCPI Command :
- class RterminatorCls[source]
Rterminator commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() RsFsw.enums.GpibTerminator [source]
# SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:RTERminator value: enums.GpibTerminator = driver.system.communicate.gpib.self.rterminator.get()
This command selects the GPIB receive terminator. Output of binary data from the instrument to the control computer does not require such a terminator change.
- return
terminator: LFEOI | EOI LFEOI According to the standard, the terminator in ASCII is LF and/or EOI. EOI For binary data transfers (e.g. trace data) from the control computer to the instrument, the binary code used for LF might be included in the binary data block, and therefore should not be interpreted as a terminator in this particular case. This can be avoided by using only the receive terminator EOI.
- set(terminator: RsFsw.enums.GpibTerminator) None [source]
# SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:RTERminator driver.system.communicate.gpib.self.rterminator.set(terminator = enums.GpibTerminator.EOI)
This command selects the GPIB receive terminator. Output of binary data from the instrument to the control computer does not require such a terminator change.
- param terminator
LFEOI | EOI LFEOI According to the standard, the terminator in ASCII is LF and/or EOI. EOI For binary data transfers (e.g. trace data) from the control computer to the instrument, the binary code used for LF might be included in the binary data block, and therefore should not be interpreted as a terminator in this particular case. This can be avoided by using only the receive terminator EOI.