SCPI Command :
- class DetectorCls[source]
Detector commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get(rangePy=RangePy.Default) RsFsw.enums.DetectorC [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:LIST:RANGe<ri>:DETector value: enums.DetectorC = driver.sense.listPy.range.detector.get(rangePy = repcap.RangePy.Default)
This command selects the detector for a spurious emission measurement range. The sweep list cannot be configured using remote commands during an on-going sweep operation.
- param rangePy
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Ix1 (settable in the interface ‘Range’)
- return
detector: APEak Autopeak NEGative minimum peak detector POSitive peak detector SAMPle sample detector RMS RMS detector AVERage average detector
- set(detector: RsFsw.enums.DetectorC, rangePy=RangePy.Default) None [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:LIST:RANGe<ri>:DETector driver.sense.listPy.range.detector.set(detector = enums.DetectorC.ACSine, rangePy = repcap.RangePy.Default)
This command selects the detector for a spurious emission measurement range. The sweep list cannot be configured using remote commands during an on-going sweep operation.
- param detector
APEak Autopeak NEGative minimum peak detector POSitive peak detector SAMPle sample detector RMS RMS detector AVERage average detector
- param rangePy
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Ix1 (settable in the interface ‘Range’)