SCPI Command :
- class McFrequencyCls[source]
McFrequency commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() float [source]
# SCPI: DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:PULSed:MCFRequency value: float = driver.diagnostic.service.inputPy.pulsed.mcFrequency.get()
This command sets the calibration frequency for frequencies greater than 7 GHz. This command only takes effect if a microwave calibration signal is selected for input (method RsFsw.Diagnostic.Service.InputPy.Select.set) .
- return
frequency: Unit: Hz
- set(frequency: float) None [source]
# SCPI: DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:PULSed:MCFRequency driver.diagnostic.service.inputPy.pulsed.mcFrequency.set(frequency = 1.0)
This command sets the calibration frequency for frequencies greater than 7 GHz. This command only takes effect if a microwave calibration signal is selected for input (method RsFsw.Diagnostic.Service.InputPy.Select.set) .
- param frequency
Unit: Hz