SCPI Command :
- class NstateCls[source]
Nstate commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() float [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:DDEMod:PATTern:PSK:NSTate value: float = driver.applications.k70Vsa.sense.ddemod.pattern.psk.nstate.get()
Together with DDEMod:PATT:PSK:FORMat, this command defines the demodulation order for PSK for the pattern (see also [SENSe:]DDEMod:PATTern:PSK:FORMat) . Depending on the demodulation format and state, the following orders are available:
Table Header: <PSKNSTATe> / FORMat / Order
2 / any / BPSK
8 / NORMal / 8PSK
8 / DIFFerential / D8PSK
Is only available if the additional Multi-Modulation Analysis option (FSW-K70M) is installed.
- return
pskn_state: 2 | 8
- set(pskn_state: float) None [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:DDEMod:PATTern:PSK:NSTate driver.applications.k70Vsa.sense.ddemod.pattern.psk.nstate.set(pskn_state = 1.0)
Together with DDEMod:PATT:PSK:FORMat, this command defines the demodulation order for PSK for the pattern (see also [SENSe:]DDEMod:PATTern:PSK:FORMat) . Depending on the demodulation format and state, the following orders are available:
Table Header: <PSKNSTATe> / FORMat / Order
2 / any / BPSK
8 / NORMal / 8PSK
8 / DIFFerential / D8PSK
Is only available if the additional Multi-Modulation Analysis option (FSW-K70M) is installed.
- param pskn_state
2 | 8