SCPI Command :
- class HoldoffCls[source]
Holdoff commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() float [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:HOLDoff value: float = driver.applications.k30NoiseFigure.sense.sweep.egate.holdoff.get()
Defines the delay time between the gate signal and the continuation of the measurement. Note: If you perform gated measurements in combination with the IF Power trigger, the FSW ignores the holding time for frequency sweep, FFT sweep, zero span and I/Q mode measurements.
- return
delay_time: Range: 0 s to 30 s, Unit: S
- set(delay_time: float) None [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:HOLDoff driver.applications.k30NoiseFigure.sense.sweep.egate.holdoff.set(delay_time = 1.0)
Defines the delay time between the gate signal and the continuation of the measurement. Note: If you perform gated measurements in combination with the IF Power trigger, the FSW ignores the holding time for frequency sweep, FFT sweep, zero span and I/Q mode measurements.
- param delay_time
Range: 0 s to 30 s, Unit: S