
SCPI Command :

class SourceCls[source]

Source commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get(inputIx=InputIx.Default) RsSmw.enums.SingExtAuto[source]
value: enums.SingExtAuto = driver.trigger.freqSweep.source.get(inputIx = repcap.InputIx.Default)

    INTRO_CMD_HELP: Selects the trigger source for the corresponding sweeps:

    - FSWeep - RF frequency
    - LFFSweep - LF frequency
    - PSWeep - RF level
    - SWEep - all sweeps

The source names of the parameters correspond to the values provided in manual control of the instrument. They differ from the SCPI-compliant names, but the instrument accepts both variants. Use the SCPI name, if compatibility is an important issue. Find the corresponding SCPI-compliant commands in Cross-reference between the manual and remote control.

param inputIx

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Trigger’)


source: AUTO| IMMediate | SINGle| BUS | EXTernal | EAUTo AUTO [IMMediate] Executes a sweep automatically. In this free-running mode, the trigger condition is met continuously. I.e. when a sweep is completed, the next one starts immediately. SINGle [BUS] Executes one complete sweep cycle. The following commands initiate a trigger event: *TRG [:SOURcehw]:SWEep:POWer:EXECute [:SOURcehw]:SWEep[:FREQuency]:EXECute method RsSmw.Trigger.Sweep.Immediate.set, method RsSmw.Trigger.Psweep.Immediate.set and method RsSmw.Trigger.FreqSweep.Immediate.set. Set the sweep mode with the commands: [:SOURcehw]:SWEep:POWer:MODEAUTO|STEP [:SOURcehw]:SWEep[:FREQuency]:MODEAUTO|STEP [:SOURcehw]:LFOutput:SWEep[:FREQuency]:MODEAUTO|STEP In step mode (STEP) , the instrument executes only one step. EXTernal An external signal triggers the sweep. EAUTo An external signal triggers the sweep. When one sweep is finished, the next sweep starts. A second trigger event stops the sweep at the current frequency, a third trigger event starts the trigger at the start frequency, and so on.

set(source: RsSmw.enums.SingExtAuto, inputIx=InputIx.Default) None[source]
driver.trigger.freqSweep.source.set(source = enums.SingExtAuto.AUTO, inputIx = repcap.InputIx.Default)

    INTRO_CMD_HELP: Selects the trigger source for the corresponding sweeps:

    - FSWeep - RF frequency
    - LFFSweep - LF frequency
    - PSWeep - RF level
    - SWEep - all sweeps

The source names of the parameters correspond to the values provided in manual control of the instrument. They differ from the SCPI-compliant names, but the instrument accepts both variants. Use the SCPI name, if compatibility is an important issue. Find the corresponding SCPI-compliant commands in Cross-reference between the manual and remote control.

param source

AUTO| IMMediate | SINGle| BUS | EXTernal | EAUTo AUTO [IMMediate] Executes a sweep automatically. In this free-running mode, the trigger condition is met continuously. I.e. when a sweep is completed, the next one starts immediately. SINGle [BUS] Executes one complete sweep cycle. The following commands initiate a trigger event: *TRG [:SOURcehw]:SWEep:POWer:EXECute [:SOURcehw]:SWEep[:FREQuency]:EXECute method RsSmw.Trigger.Sweep.Immediate.set, method RsSmw.Trigger.Psweep.Immediate.set and method RsSmw.Trigger.FreqSweep.Immediate.set. Set the sweep mode with the commands: [:SOURcehw]:SWEep:POWer:MODEAUTO|STEP [:SOURcehw]:SWEep[:FREQuency]:MODEAUTO|STEP [:SOURcehw]:LFOutput:SWEep[:FREQuency]:MODEAUTO|STEP In step mode (STEP) , the instrument executes only one step. EXTernal An external signal triggers the sweep. EAUTo An external signal triggers the sweep. When one sweep is finished, the next sweep starts. A second trigger event stops the sweep at the current frequency, a third trigger event starts the trigger at the start frequency, and so on.

param inputIx

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Trigger’)