
SCPI Commands :

class RestartCls[source]

Restart commands group definition. 7 total commands, 3 Subgroups, 4 group commands

get_mode() RsSmw.enums.RegTrigMode[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:REGenerator:RESTart:MODE
value: enums.RegTrigMode = driver.source.regenerator.restart.get_mode()

Selects the event which leads to a restart of the REG simulation.


mode: AUTO| AAUTo AUTO The signal generation starts after the REG is enabled. The signal is generated continuously; all configured objects are simulated. AAUT Simulation starts upon trigger event ([:SOURcehw]:REGenerator:RESTart:EXECute) . Then the signal is generated continuously; all configured objects are simulated.

get_rmode() RsSmw.enums.TrigRunMode[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:REGenerator:RESTart:RMODe
value: enums.TrigRunMode = driver.source.regenerator.restart.get_rmode()

Queries the status of signal generation for all trigger modes.


rmode: STOP| RUN

get_source() RsSmw.enums.TrigSourReg[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:REGenerator:RESTart:SOURce
value: enums.TrigSourReg = driver.source.regenerator.restart.get_source()

Selects the trigger signal source and determines the way the triggering is executed.


source: INTernal| ERRTA| ERRTB INTernal Internal triggering by the command [:SOURcehw]:REGenerator:RESTart:EXECute. ERRTA|ERRTB External trigger signal via one of the external global trigger connectors. See [:SOURce]:INPut:USERch:SIGNal.

get_st_attenuation() float[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:REGenerator:RESTart:STATtenuation
value: float = driver.source.regenerator.restart.get_st_attenuation()

If [:SOURce<hw>]:REGenerator:RESTart:MODE AAUT, sets the attenuation applied on the output signal during the time the signal generation is stopped.


stop_time_att: float Range: 0 to 60

set_mode(mode: RsSmw.enums.RegTrigMode) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:REGenerator:RESTart:MODE
driver.source.regenerator.restart.set_mode(mode = enums.RegTrigMode.AAUTo)

Selects the event which leads to a restart of the REG simulation.

param mode

AUTO| AAUTo AUTO The signal generation starts after the REG is enabled. The signal is generated continuously; all configured objects are simulated. AAUT Simulation starts upon trigger event ([:SOURcehw]:REGenerator:RESTart:EXECute) . Then the signal is generated continuously; all configured objects are simulated.

set_source(source: RsSmw.enums.TrigSourReg) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:REGenerator:RESTart:SOURce
driver.source.regenerator.restart.set_source(source = enums.TrigSourReg.ERRTA)

Selects the trigger signal source and determines the way the triggering is executed.

param source

INTernal| ERRTA| ERRTB INTernal Internal triggering by the command [:SOURcehw]:REGenerator:RESTart:EXECute. ERRTA|ERRTB External trigger signal via one of the external global trigger connectors. See [:SOURce]:INPut:USERch:SIGNal.

set_st_attenuation(stop_time_att: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:REGenerator:RESTart:STATtenuation
driver.source.regenerator.restart.set_st_attenuation(stop_time_att = 1.0)

If [:SOURce<hw>]:REGenerator:RESTart:MODE AAUT, sets the attenuation applied on the output signal during the time the signal generation is stopped.

param stop_time_att

float Range: 0 to 60

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.source.regenerator.restart.clone()
