
SCPI Commands :

class ObasebandCls[source]

Obaseband commands group definition. 4 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 4 group commands

get_delay() float[source]
value: float = driver.source.bb.ofdm.trigger.obaseband.get_delay()

Specifies the trigger delay for triggering by the signal from the second path.


trig_int_oth_delay: float Range: 0 to 2147483647

get_inhibit() int[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:OFDM:TRIGger:OBASeband:INHibit
value: int = driver.source.bb.ofdm.trigger.obaseband.get_inhibit()

For triggering via the other path, specifies the number of samples by which a restart is inhibited.


int_oth_inhibit: integer Range: 0 to 67108863, Unit: Sample

get_rdelay() float[source]
value: float = driver.source.bb.ofdm.trigger.obaseband.get_rdelay()

Queries the time a trigger event form the other path is delayed.


int_oth_rdelay_sec: float Range: 0 to 688

get_tdelay() float[source]
value: float = driver.source.bb.ofdm.trigger.obaseband.get_tdelay()

Specifies the trigger delay for triggering by the signal from the other path.


int_oth_delay_sec: float Range: 0 to 688, Unit: s

set_delay(trig_int_oth_delay: float) None[source]
driver.source.bb.ofdm.trigger.obaseband.set_delay(trig_int_oth_delay = 1.0)

Specifies the trigger delay for triggering by the signal from the second path.

param trig_int_oth_delay

float Range: 0 to 2147483647

set_inhibit(int_oth_inhibit: int) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:OFDM:TRIGger:OBASeband:INHibit
driver.source.bb.ofdm.trigger.obaseband.set_inhibit(int_oth_inhibit = 1)

For triggering via the other path, specifies the number of samples by which a restart is inhibited.

param int_oth_inhibit

integer Range: 0 to 67108863, Unit: Sample

set_tdelay(int_oth_delay_sec: float) None[source]
driver.source.bb.ofdm.trigger.obaseband.set_tdelay(int_oth_delay_sec = 1.0)

Specifies the trigger delay for triggering by the signal from the other path.

param int_oth_delay_sec

float Range: 0 to 688, Unit: s