
SCPI Commands :

class SetupCls[source]

Setup commands group definition. 25 total commands, 3 Subgroups, 2 group commands

get_catalog() List[str][source]
# SCPI: SCONfiguration:RFALignment:SETup:CATalog
value: List[str] = driver.sconfiguration.rfAlignment.setup.get_catalog()

Queries the names of the existing setup files in the default directory. Per default, the instrument saves user-defined files in the /var/user/ directory. Use the command method RsSmw.MassMemory.currentDirectory to change the default directory to the currently used one. Only files with extension *.rfsa are listed.


rf_port_setup_file_cat_name: No help available

get_status() RsSmw.enums.RfPortStatus[source]
# SCPI: SCONfiguration:RFALignment:SETup:STATus
value: enums.RfPortStatus = driver.sconfiguration.rfAlignment.setup.get_status()

Queries information on the internal compensation status and the connected secondary instruments.


setup_status: NALign| ALIGned| ERRor| WARNing| INACtive| NOSetup| INValid NOSetup = Setup is not loaded INValid = Loaded setup does not match the current setup INACtive = Setup loaded but RF port alignment not enabled NALign = Setup is loaded but aligned not triggered ALIGned | ERRor | WARNing = Setup is aligned, error, warning

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.sconfiguration.rfAlignment.setup.clone()
