SCPI Command :
- class BbMm2Cls[source]
BbMm2 commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get_channels() RsSmw.enums.SystConfHsChannels [source]
# SCPI: SCONfiguration:DIQ:BBMM2:CHANnels value: enums.SystConfHsChannels = driver.sconfiguration.diq.bbMm2.get_channels()
In method RsSmw.Sconfiguration.Output.modeHSDigital|HSAL, sets the number of digital channels on the HS DIG I/Q interface. The total number of enabled channels on all HS DIG I/Q interface must not exceed 8.
- return
dig_iq_hs_bbmm_2_cha: CH0| CH1| CH2| CH3| CH4| CH5| CH6| CH7| CH8
- set_channels(dig_iq_hs_bbmm_2_cha: RsSmw.enums.SystConfHsChannels) None [source]
# SCPI: SCONfiguration:DIQ:BBMM2:CHANnels driver.sconfiguration.diq.bbMm2.set_channels(dig_iq_hs_bbmm_2_cha = enums.SystConfHsChannels.CH0)
In method RsSmw.Sconfiguration.Output.modeHSDigital|HSAL, sets the number of digital channels on the HS DIG I/Q interface. The total number of enabled channels on all HS DIG I/Q interface must not exceed 8.
- param dig_iq_hs_bbmm_2_cha
CH0| CH1| CH2| CH3| CH4| CH5| CH6| CH7| CH8