from ....Internal.Core import Core
from ....Internal.CommandsGroup import CommandsGroup
from ....Internal import Conversions
from ....Internal.Utilities import trim_str_response
from .... import enums
# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyAttributeOutsideInit,SpellCheckingInspection
[docs]class SerialCls:
"""Serial commands group definition. 4 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 4 group commands"""
def __init__(self, core: Core, parent):
self._core = core
self._cmd_group = CommandsGroup("serial", core, parent)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def get_baud(self) -> enums.Rs232BdRate:
"""SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:BAUD \n
Snippet: value: enums.Rs232BdRate = driver.system.communicate.serial.get_baud() \n
Defines the baudrate for the serial remote control interface. \n
:return: baud: 2400| 4800| 9600| 19200| 38400| 57600| 115200
response ='SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:BAUD?')
return Conversions.str_to_scalar_enum(response, enums.Rs232BdRate)
[docs] def set_baud(self, baud: enums.Rs232BdRate) -> None:
"""SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:BAUD \n
Snippet: driver.system.communicate.serial.set_baud(baud = enums.Rs232BdRate._115200) \n
Defines the baudrate for the serial remote control interface. \n
:param baud: 2400| 4800| 9600| 19200| 38400| 57600| 115200
param = Conversions.enum_scalar_to_str(baud, enums.Rs232BdRate)'SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:BAUD {param}')
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def get_parity(self) -> enums.Parity:
"""SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:PARity \n
Snippet: value: enums.Parity = driver.system.communicate.serial.get_parity() \n
Enters the parity for the serial remote control interface. \n
:return: parity: NONE| ODD| EVEN
response ='SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:PARity?')
return Conversions.str_to_scalar_enum(response, enums.Parity)
[docs] def set_parity(self, parity: enums.Parity) -> None:
"""SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:PARity \n
Snippet: driver.system.communicate.serial.set_parity(parity = enums.Parity.EVEN) \n
Enters the parity for the serial remote control interface. \n
:param parity: NONE| ODD| EVEN
param = Conversions.enum_scalar_to_str(parity, enums.Parity)'SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:PARity {param}')
[docs] def get_resource(self) -> str:
"""SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:RESource \n
Snippet: value: str = driver.system.communicate.serial.get_resource() \n
Queries the visa resource string for the serial remote control interface. This string is used for remote control of the
instrument. \n
:return: resource: string
response ='SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:RESource?')
return trim_str_response(response)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def get_sbits(self) -> enums.Count:
"""SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:SBITs \n
Snippet: value: enums.Count = driver.system.communicate.serial.get_sbits() \n
Defines the number of stop bits for the serial remote control interface. \n
:return: sbits: 1| 2
response ='SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:SBITs?')
return Conversions.str_to_scalar_enum(response, enums.Count)
[docs] def set_sbits(self, sbits: enums.Count) -> None:
"""SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:SBITs \n
Snippet: driver.system.communicate.serial.set_sbits(sbits = enums.Count._1) \n
Defines the number of stop bits for the serial remote control interface. \n
:param sbits: 1| 2
param = Conversions.enum_scalar_to_str(sbits, enums.Count)'SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:SBITs {param}')