from .........Internal.Core import Core
from .........Internal.CommandsGroup import CommandsGroup
from .........Internal import Conversions
from .........Internal.Types import DataType
from .........Internal.ArgSingleList import ArgSingleList
from .........Internal.ArgSingle import ArgSingle
from ......... import enums
from ......... import repcap
# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyAttributeOutsideInit,SpellCheckingInspection
[docs]class StateCls:
"""State commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands"""
def __init__(self, core: Core, parent):
self._core = core
self._cmd_group = CommandsGroup("state", core, parent)
[docs] def set(self, sb_gaps: enums.SubBlockGaps, state: bool, window=repcap.Window.Default, limitIx=repcap.LimitIx.Default, gapChannel=repcap.GapChannel.Default) -> None:
"""SCPI: CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:ACPower:GAP<gap>:MANual:LOWer:ABSolute:STATe \n
Snippet: = enums.SubBlockGaps.AB, state = False, window = repcap.Window.Default, limitIx = repcap.LimitIx.Default, gapChannel = repcap.GapChannel.Default) \n
Turns the absolute limit check for the specified lower gap (CACLR) channel on and off. You have to activate the general
ACLR limit check before using this command with method RsFsw.Calculate.Limit.AcPower.State.set. Is only available for for
asymmetrical (manual) configuration of gap channels (see [SENSe:]POWer:ACHannel:GAP<gap>:MODE) . \n
:param sb_gaps: AB | BC | CD | DE | EF | FG | GH Name of the gap, defined by the letters of the surrounding sub blocks (e.g. 'AB' for the gap between sub blocks A and B) .
:param state: ON | OFF | 0 | 1 OFF | 0 Switches the function off ON | 1 Switches the function on
:param window: optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface 'Calculate')
:param limitIx: optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface 'Limit')
:param gapChannel: optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface 'Gap')
param = ArgSingleList().compose_cmd_string(ArgSingle('sb_gaps', sb_gaps, DataType.Enum, enums.SubBlockGaps), ArgSingle('state', state, DataType.Boolean))
window_cmd_val = self._cmd_group.get_repcap_cmd_value(window, repcap.Window)
limitIx_cmd_val = self._cmd_group.get_repcap_cmd_value(limitIx, repcap.LimitIx)
gapChannel_cmd_val = self._cmd_group.get_repcap_cmd_value(gapChannel, repcap.GapChannel)'CALCulate{window_cmd_val}:LIMit{limitIx_cmd_val}:ACPower:GAP{gapChannel_cmd_val}:MANual:LOWer:ABSolute:STATe {param}'.rstrip())
[docs] def get(self, sb_gaps: enums.SubBlockGaps, window=repcap.Window.Default, limitIx=repcap.LimitIx.Default, gapChannel=repcap.GapChannel.Default) -> bool:
"""SCPI: CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:ACPower:GAP<gap>:MANual:LOWer:ABSolute:STATe \n
Snippet: value: bool = = enums.SubBlockGaps.AB, window = repcap.Window.Default, limitIx = repcap.LimitIx.Default, gapChannel = repcap.GapChannel.Default) \n
Turns the absolute limit check for the specified lower gap (CACLR) channel on and off. You have to activate the general
ACLR limit check before using this command with method RsFsw.Calculate.Limit.AcPower.State.set. Is only available for for
asymmetrical (manual) configuration of gap channels (see [SENSe:]POWer:ACHannel:GAP<gap>:MODE) . \n
:param sb_gaps: AB | BC | CD | DE | EF | FG | GH Name of the gap, defined by the letters of the surrounding sub blocks (e.g. 'AB' for the gap between sub blocks A and B) .
:param window: optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface 'Calculate')
:param limitIx: optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface 'Limit')
:param gapChannel: optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface 'Gap')
:return: state: ON | OFF | 0 | 1 OFF | 0 Switches the function off ON | 1 Switches the function on"""
param = Conversions.enum_scalar_to_str(sb_gaps, enums.SubBlockGaps)
window_cmd_val = self._cmd_group.get_repcap_cmd_value(window, repcap.Window)
limitIx_cmd_val = self._cmd_group.get_repcap_cmd_value(limitIx, repcap.LimitIx)
gapChannel_cmd_val = self._cmd_group.get_repcap_cmd_value(gapChannel, repcap.GapChannel)
response ='CALCulate{window_cmd_val}:LIMit{limitIx_cmd_val}:ACPower:GAP{gapChannel_cmd_val}:MANual:LOWer:ABSolute:STATe? {param}')
return Conversions.str_to_bool(response)