SCPI Command :
- class MemoryCls[source]
Memory commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get(points_offset: int, points_count: int) List[float] [source]
# SCPI: TRACe:IQ:DATA:MEMory value: List[float] = = 1, points_count = 1)
Queries the I/Q data currently stored in the capture buffer of the FSW. By default, the command returns all I/Q data in the memory. You can, however, narrow down the amount of data that the command returns using the optional parameters. If no parameters are specified with the command, the entire trace data is retrieved. In this case, the command returns the same results as method RsFsw.Trace.Iq.Data.get_. (Note, however, that the method RsFsw.Trace.Iq.Data.get_ command initiates a new measurement before returning the captured values, rather than returning the existing data in the memory.) This command is not available for traces captured with the optional 2 GHz / 5 GHz bandwidth extension (FSW-B2000/B5000) . The command returns a comma-separated list of the measured values in floating point format (comma-separated values = CSV) . The number of values returned is 2 * the number of complex samples. The total number of complex samples is displayed in the channel bar in manual operation and can be calculated as: <SampleRate> * <CaptureTime> (See TRACe:IQ:SET, method RsFsw.Applications.K10x_Lte.Trace.Iq.SymbolRate.get_ and [SENSe:]SWEep:TIME)
- param points_offset
No help available
- param points_count
No help available
- return
iq_data: Measured value pair (I,Q) for each sample that has been recorded. By default, the first half of the list contains the I values, the second half the Q values. The order can be configured using method RsFsw.Applications.K18_AmplifierEt.Trace.Iq.Data.FormatPy.set. The data format of the individual values depends on method RsFsw.FormatPy.Data.set. Unit: V